Tribute: Beeping Socially

- .... .. ... / .. ... / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. .

The Sound of Ages Long Lost

The sound of morse-code is something  wonderful, all those dits dahs at lightning speed and somehow people can make sense of it. It helped in wars, and for the longest time was the only real method of long distance communication with any kind of speed. Even today this old medium is still being used in emergencies. That's why I've decided to pay tribute to the mighty morse-code.

The Idea AKA The Concept

One day I cleaned my room (rare occasion) and found some old Lucky Luke (wild west) comics, which reinvigorated my interest in morse-code. I then decided I wanted to bring this once new medium into the 21st century. To contrast the use of morse-code with our current modern society I've decided to recreate a chatroom/messenger style environment. Two computers will both be running custom software (Made in Processing, see GitHub, linked on the bottom of the page). Attached via USB to both computers will be a telegraph key (something like pictured below) that communicates with the computer over the Serial bus. Any communication between both the laptops will have to occur over the wired connection between the two keys.

Besides the original morse-code applications I have also been inspired by the Steampunk/Cyberpunk aesthetic, heavily borrowing elements from that visual style, especially in the chatroom Processing sketch. This part of the design signifies the fantastical and imaginary side of the project also alluding to the slight ridiculousness of the whole concept, which is largely impractical and slightly over the top (as all things Steampunk should be).

The Description AKA The Process

In broad steps we can divide the creation process in three parts:

All of the code, both for the Arduino, on which the telegraph key runs and for the Processing sketch that runs on the computer can be found on the dedicated GitHub repository (also linked at the bottom of this page).

Future Planning

If I were to be given infinite time and resources to further develop this concept I would add some of the following features:

Important Links and Resources

Some of the most important external links for this project are: