3. Flowering Calendar on Hortus Map

Hortus is one of my favorite place in Leiden. There is a diverse collection of flowering and fruiting plants in Hortus. Nature is an invisible clock. Like our scheduled activities, every plant has its own scheduled flowering and fruiting behaviours. I think it would be nice for potential visitors to know about when and where they might find a flower or a fruit in the Hortus garden.

In this project I made a flowering and fruiting calendar on the map of Hortus using openframeworks. 

In this map I selected featured plants on special visiting routes. The map background and plant locations are collected from the Hortus website. The flowering and fruiting time is collected by searching each plant's information on plant dictionary and wikipedia. Here below is the raw data of all the plants displayed

For further development I would like to add plant information to the map while the user clicks on certain fruit or flower. According to the feedback from the mini exhibition, I would also add more hints on the the month bar for clearer indication.