1. Icon: Li Tian

Li Tian - Inventor of Firework

Tian Li was regarded as the father of fireworks. While a village was hunted by infectious diseases, he fired explosive powder to create the heat which kills the disease pathogens. I chose his invention as an example of unintended media creation. Some media were not usually regarded as a media while they deliver a rich emotional effect. Explosive powder was not invented to be a symbolic visual art or gun powder, but its healing intention and effect resulted in its development as an old new media of “erase bad old time and start good new time”. Nowadays, many artists devoted to different types of fireworks art which impressed their audiences (Figure 1).

Figure 1 An example of modern fireworks art (stairway to heaven)

I came from the origin area of fireworks. I was impressed how fireworks has becoming an international media of new year’s joy. I also think they have the potential to be

and become a new digital media, since it’s purpose now is far from creating air pollution or heat. Maybe one day we can make realistic digital fireworks in our home without using chemicals and fire.