Special Investigations for Thyroid disease

Thyroid function tests- The most important investigation of thyroid function is meticulous clinical assessment of the patient. But clinical diagnosis has to be confirmed by investigations to know exactly the hormonal status of the thyroid and also its relation with the anterior pituitary and hypothalamus.

The following tests are useful to detect the function of the thyroid gland:-

A. In-Vitro Tests:-

    1. Sr. Protein Bound Iodine (PBI)-

    2. Sr. Thyroxin (T3)-

    3. Total Sr.Tri-Iodothyronine (T3)

    4. T3 Resin Uptake

    5. Free Thyroxin Index (F.T.I.)-

    6. Sr. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)-

    7. Test of Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis-

B. In-Vivo Testa:-

    1. Uptake test-

    2. T3 Suppression test (Werner)-

    3. Thyroid scan-

C. Miscellaneous tests:-

    1. BMR-

    2. Sr.Cholesterol-

    3. Sr Creatine-

    4. Measurement of tendon reflexes-

    5. ECG

D. Radiography:-

E. Selective Angiography:-

F. Bone scan:-

G. Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology:-

H. Ultrasound:-

I. CT:-

J. MRI:-