Gastrograffin enema

A gastrograffin enema involves the injection of water soluble gastrograffin into the rectum using a foley catheter (fig 1). This is followed by a series of x-rays of the abdomen to show the outline of the colon and rectum and anus.

Figure 1. Gastrograffin enema with the injection of contrast with a foley catheter into the rectum to obtain pictures of the shape of the colon and rectum.


This procedure will show any obvious abnormality of the colon, rectum and anus, and is particularly useful following surgery for rectal cancer, to check that the join (anastomosis) is intact, and not narrowed (strictured) or leaking, prior to planned reversal of temporary stoma.

What is a gastrografin?

This is a water soluble clear fluid that shows on X-ray images.

What is a gastrografin enema?

This is an X-ray test which shows the large bowel (colon) by filling it with gastrografin.

The gastrografin is introduced by a tube which is inserted into the rectum. The test is usually to assess

if there is a leakage outside the bowel.

What preparation is needed?

No bowel preparation is needed if you have a colostomy and the test is being performed to see whether the anastomosis is intact. If your doctor requests this test for another reason you may require a bowel cleansing kit.Your doctor and the Radiologist will decide.The bowel cleansing kit will be arranged at the time of booking and can be picked up from our rooms.

How is the test performed?

You will need to change into a gown. You will then be asked to lie on your side on the X-ray table. A thin plastic tube will then be placed into your rectum. This can be mildly uncomfortable but should not be painful.The gastrografin fluid will then pass via the tube into your large bowel.You may need to be moved into different positions to coat the bowel. This will be seen on a TV monitor, and X-ray images will also be taken at this time. Once all the X-rays have been taken the gastrografin will be drained out via the same tube and you can then go to the toilet.

What will happen after the test?

You may inadvertantly pass some liquid motion after the test. Bring a change of underwear as a precaution.

How do I get the results?

The Radiologist (a doctor) will study the images and provide a report for your doctor. This can be delivered to your doctor and should be available by the next day. If you need your results urgently they should be available within 60 minutes. Please bring all your previous X-rays and scans with you to your appointment.