Surgical Anatomy

Q. The cisterna chyli is typically located at approximately the level of the first lumbar vertebral body:

    1. posterior to the inferior vena cava

  1. posterior to the aorta

    1. closely approximated to the posterior surface of the right adrenal gland

    2. associated with the superior mesenteric artery

    3. posterior to the right renal hilum

Q. The upper pole of the kidney lies anterior to:

    1. the 12th rib

    2. the diaphragm

    3. the pleura

  1. all of the above

    1. none of the above

Q. The posterior surface of the tail of the pancreas is closely associated with the:

    1. splenic artery

    2. splenic vein

    3. upper pole of the left kidney

    4. left adrenal gland

  1. all of the above

Q. To preserve potency during a radical cystectomy, ligation of the lateral and posterior vascular pedicles is best carried out:

    1. close to their origin from the internal iliac vessels.

  1. near the bladder

    1. from beneath the bladder after rotating the prostate cephalad.

    2. as they cross the ureter.

    3. lateral to the rectum

Q. The lumbosacral fascia originates from the:

    1. latissimus dorsi muscle

    2. lower rib cage posteriorly

  1. lumbar vertebrae

    1. iliac crest

    2. rectus sheath

Q. The lumbodorsal fascia consists of:

    1. a single layer

    2. two distinct layers

  1. three distinct layers

    1. four distinct layers

    2. five distinct layers

Q. The lumbodorsal fascia is contiguous anteriorly with the:

    1. transversalis fascia

  1. aponeurosis of the transversus abdominis muscle

    1. internal oblique fascia

    2. external oblique fascia

    3. rectus sheath

Q. The dorsal lumbotomy incisions to expose the kidney:

    1. requires incision of the latissimus dorsi muscle

    2. requires incision of the quadratus lumborum muscle

    3. splits the lumbodorsal horizontally from posterior to anterior

  1. splits the lumbodorsal fascia vertically without incising muscle

    1. requires excision of the 12th rib

Q. The psoas major muscle:

  1. flexes the thigh at the hip

    1. extends the thigh at the hip

    2. adducts the thigh at the hip

    3. abducts the thigh at the hip

    4. assits in full contraction of the diaphragm

Q. Which of the following muscles is NOT a boundary of the retroperitoneum?

    1. The psoas muscle

    2. The iliacus muscle

    3. The quadratus lumborum muscle

    4. The diaphragm

  1. The rectus muscle

Q. In a subcostal flank approach to the kidney, which of the following may be incised to increase upward mobility of the 12th rib?

    1. The intercostal muscles between the 1th and 12th ribs

    2. The latissimus dorsi muscle

    3. The lumbodorsal fascia

    4. The quadratus lumborum muscle

  1. The costovertebral ligament

Q. The first arterial branch(es) from the abdominal aorta is(are):

Q. Which of the following arteries branches from the celiac arterial trunk?

  1. The left gastric artery

    1. The right gastric artery

    2. The pancreaticoduodenal artery

    3. The superior mesenteric artery

    4. The inferior phrenic arteries

Q. The renal arteries typically branch from the abdominal aorta at the level of the:

    1. 12th thoracic vertebral body

    2. 1st lumbar vertebral body

  1. 2nd lumbar vertebral body

    1. 3rd lumbar vertebral body

    2. 4th lumbar vertebral body

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