Diabetes Mellitus

Non Insulin Dependent DM (NIDDM)

Obese Patient

1. Weight reduction with diet:-

    • Avoid single high concentrated meals, sugar, sweets, mithai, jam, honey, limit intake of saturated fats - ghee

    • Small frequent meals

    • Food high in fibre content like vegetables, whole pulses, fruits etc.


Take unrestricted-

Do not eat at all-

Eat in moderation-


Aerobics / Brisk walk (2-3 miles/day)

Diet & exercise should be advised if blood sugar not acceptable after adequate trial for 3 months or fasting plasma glucose >270mg/dl, oral hypoglycemic agents (OHA) should be prescribed.


Note: Before prescribing OHAs, occult infection particularly of urinary tract should be looked for and treated.

Note: Combination therapy of 2 oral drugs of different groups is often required to achieve good glycemic control. If this can not be achieved, insulin therapy needs to be initiated. Also in symptomatic patient with tasting blood sugar> 250-300mg/dl.