Examination of Chronic Abdominal conditions


    • Age & Sex-

    • Occupation-

    • Residence-


    1. Pain-

      • Duration-

      • Site-

      • Radiation-

      • Relationship with food-

      • Character-

      • How relieved-

    2. Flatulent dyspepsia-

    3. Nausea & Vomiting-

      • Character & Amount-

      • Frequency-

      • Relation to food-

      • Relief of pain-

    4. Haematemesis & Melaena-

    5. Jaundice-

      • Neoplastic Jaundice-

      • Calculous Jaundice-

      • Among other causes of Jaundice-

    6. Bowel habit-

    7. Appetite-

    8. Fever-

    9. Loss of weight-

Past History-

Personal History-

Family History-

Physical Examination

A. General Survey

B. Abdominal Examination


    1. Skin & Subcutaneous tissue-

    2. Umbilicus-

    3. Contour of the abdomen-

    4. Movements-

      • Respiratory-

      • Peristaltic-

      • Pulsatile-

    5. Swelling-


    1. Tender Spot-

    2. Fluid Thrill-

    3. Shifting dullness-

    4. Palpation of the abdominal organs-

      • Stomach-

      • Liver-

      • Spleen-

      • Gallbladder-

      • Kidney-

      • Pancreas-

      • Colon-



Examination of the left supraclavicular lymph nodes-

Rectal & Vaginal Examinations-

General Examinations-

Short Bowel Syndrome