Q The lumbar sympathetic chains:

    1. run vertically in the retroperitoneum, medial to the psoas muscles

    2. contain numerous sympathetic ganglia

    3. are closely associated with the lumbar blood vessels

    4. contain postganglionic sympathetic neurons supplying the lower extremities

    5. all of the above.

Q Disruption of which sympathetic nervous plexus on the anterior abdominal aorta during retroperitoneal dissection will probably cause loss of seminal emission in a male patient?

    1. Celiac plexus

    2. Renal plexus

    3. Superior mesenteric plexus

    4. Superior hypogastric plexus

    5. All of the above

Q In the lateral abdominal wall, the iliohypogastric nerve will be found coursing in the plane:

    1. deep to the transversalis fascia

    2. between the transversalis fascia and the transversus abdominis muscle

    3. between the transversus abdominis and internal oblique muscles

    4. between the internal oblique and external oblique muscles

    5. superficial to the external oblique muscle

Q The cremaster muscle is innervated by the:

    1. ilioinguinal nerve

    2. iliohypogastric nerve

    3. obturator nerve

    4. genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve

    5. femoral branch of the genitofemoral nerve
