
salicylic acid

Dosage Adult: Topical Acne; Hyperkeratotic and scaling skin conditions As 2-6% preparation: Apply ≤3 times/day. Warts and calluses As 60% preparation: Apply as directed.

Special Precautions Not for prolonged use in high concentrations and on large areas of the body. Impaired peripheral circulation or diabetes. Avoid broken skin, mouth, eyes, mucous membranes and anogenital region.

Adverse Drug Reactions Irritation, sensitivity, excessive drying; systemic effects on prolonged use.

Mechanism of Action: Salicylic acid has a potent keratolytic action and a slight antiseptic action when applied topically. It softens and destroys the stratum corneum by increasing endogenous hydration which causes the horny layer of the skin to swell, soften, and then desquamate. At high concentrations, salicylic acid has a caustic effect. It also possesses weak antifungal and antibacterial activity.

Manufacturer GSK (Stiefel)

Contents DUOFILM soln: salicylic acid 16.7 % w/w, lactic acid 6.7 %.




Packing (Max Retail Price)

15ml (18 INR)
