Q Conditions that decrease urine specific gravity include all of the following EXCEPT:

    1. increased fluid intake

    2. use of diuretics

    3. decreased renal concentrating ability

  1. dehydration

    1. diabetes insipidus

Q Urine osmolality usually varies between:

    1. 10 & 200 mOsm/L

    2. 50 & 500 mOsm/L

  1. 50 & 1200 mOsm/L

    1. 100 & 1000 mOsm/L

    2. 100 & 1500 mOsm/L

Q Elevated ascorbic acid levels in the urine may lead to false negative results on a urine dipstick test for which of the following?

  1. Glucose

    1. Hemoglobin

    2. Myoglobin

    3. Red blood cells

    4. Leukocytes

Q Hematuria is distinguished from hemoglobinuria or myoglobinuria by:

    1. dipstick test

    2. the simultaneous presence of significant leukocytes

  1. microscopic presence of erythrocytes

    1. examination of serum

    2. evaluation of hematocrit

Q The presence of one positive dipstick reading for hematuria is associated with significant urologic pathologic findings on subsequent testing in what percentage of patients?

    1. 2%

    2. 10%

  1. 25%

    1. 50%

    2. 75%

Q The most common cause of glomerular hematuria is:

    1. transitional cell carcinoma

    2. nephritic syndrome

  1. Berger's disease (IgA nephropathy)

    1. poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis

    2. Goodpasture's syndrome

Q The most common cause of proteinuria is:

    1. Fanconi's syndrome

  1. Excessive glomerular permeability due to primary glomerular disease

    1. failure of adequate tubular reabsorption

    2. overflow proteinuria due to increased plasma concentration of immunoglobulins

    3. diabetes

Q Transient proteinuria may be due to all of the following EXCEPT:

    1. exercise

    2. fever

    3. emotional stress

    4. congestive heart failure

  1. ureteroscopy

Q Glucose will be detected in the urine when the serum level is above:

    1. 75 mg/dL

    2. 100 mg/dL

    3. 150 mg/dL

  1. 180 mg/dL

    1. 225 mg/dL

Q The specificity of dipstick nitrite testing for bacteriuria is: