
Dosage Adult: PO Susceptible infections 1-2 g/day in divided doses. Up to 6 g/day in more serious infections. Prophylaxis against recurrent UTI 125 mg/day at night.


Susceptible infections

Adult: 1-2 g daily given in divided doses at 6-, 8-, 12-hr intervals, increased to 6 g in deep-seated infections.

Child: 25-100 mg/kg daily in divided doses. Max: 4 g daily.


Prophylaxis of recurrent urinary tract infections

Adult: 125 mg at night.

Administration May be taken with or without food. (May be taken w/ meals to reduce GI discomfort.)

Contraindications Hypersensitivity to cephalosporins.

Special Precautions Hypersensitivity to penicillins; pseudomembranous colitis; renal failure; pregnancy and lactation.

Adverse Drug Reactions Pain at inj site; hypersensitivity; GI disturbances; eosinophilia, neutropenia, leucopenia, thrombocytopenia.

Potentially Fatal: Anaphylactic reactions; nephrotoxicity.

Drug Interactions Probenecid produces higher and prolonged serum levels.

Potentially Fatal: Increased nephrotoxicity with aminoglycosides and furosemide.

MOA: Cefalexin binds to one or more of the penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) which inhibits the final transpeptidation step of peptidoglycan synthesis in bacterial cell wall, thus inhibiting biosynthesis and arresting cell wall assembly resulting in bacterial cell death.

Absorption: Almost completely absorbed from the GI tract with peak plasma concentrations after 1 hr (oral); may be delayed if taken with food.

Distribution: Widely distributed but does not penetrate the CSF; bile (therapeutic concentrations). Crosses the placenta and enters the breast milk (small amounts). Protein-binding: Up to 15%

Metabolism: Not metabolised.

Excretion: Via the urine within 6 hr by glomerular filtration and renal tubular secretion (>80% as unchanged); via the bile. May be removed by haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis; 1 hr (elimination half-life).


ALCEPHIN cap 250 mg x 10's (62 INR) 500 mg x 10's (110 INR)

ALCEPHIN P- tab 125 mg x 10's (29.95 INR)

ALCEPHIN dry syr 125 mg x 5 mL x 40ml (28 INR)