Peripheral Nerve Lesions


Past History-

Personal History-

Local Examination


    • Attitude & deformity-

    • Wasting of the muscles-


    • Temperature-

    • Muscles-

    • Skin-

    • Scar-

Muscles Power:

Accessory Nerve:

    • Hypoglossal nerve-

    • Long thoracic nerve-

    • Axillary nerve-

    • Radial nerve-

    • Median nerve-

    • Ulnar nerve-

    • Sciatic nerve-

Causes of Peripheral nerve lesion:

    • Causes of single nerve involvement-

      • TRAUMATIC- It may be due to (a) Closed injury which usually causes either neuropraxia or axonotmesis lesion of the nerve or (b) Open injury which usually causes neurotmesis

      • INFLAMMATORY- Herpes Zoster, Leprosy, Diphtheria

      • NEOPLASTIC- Neurofibroma, Neurofibrosarcoma

      • MISCELLANEOUS- Tunnel syndrome, Lead poisoning, Arsenical poisoning, Diabetes etc.

    • Causes of multiple nerves involvement-

      • INFLAMMATORY- Herpes Zoster, Leprosy, Diphtheria

      • METABOLIC DISORDERS- Vitamin B Complex deficiency, Diabetes mellitus, Alcoholism, Porphyria


      • MISCELLANEOUS- Lead poisoning, Arsenical poisoning

Differential diagnosis of individual nerve lesions:

    • Brachial plexus-

    • Accessory nerve-

    • Hypoglossal nerve-

    • Long thoracic nerve(Nerve of Bell)-

    • Radial nerve-

    • Median nerve-

    • Ulnar nerve-

    • Sciatic nerve-