Examination of Abdominal Lump

Examination of the abdomen:


    1. Condition of the skin over the swelling-

    2. Position, Size, Shape-

    3. Movement with respiration-

    4. Visible Peristalsis-

    5. The hernial sites-

    6. The Scrotum-

    7. Left Supraclavicular lymph node-


  1. Local Temperature-

  2. Tenderness-

  3. Position, Size, Shape & Surface-

  4. Margin-

  5. Consistency-

  6. Movement-

  7. Parietal or Intra-abdominal-

  8. Is the swelling pulsatile or not?-

  9. Swelling at any hernial sites-

  10. Palpate the Liver, the Spleen & Kidney-