Friday, 1st November

Walked before breakfast. Looked up Johnstone (tailor) in Messrs. Cox, paying in a cheque. Also paid Miles a small amount. Then out to see Robert, lunched there, had a chat with Hunt and saw Hardinge. Looked in at Willie’s and back by the Conservative Club where I had a chat with the Lauries. Home to dinner, and read. Willie came in and we had a game.

Saturday, 2nd.

Called at Johnstones to try on. Then to the Geological Museum to make arrangements about lectures. Lunched at the “Ray” with Hamilton and went to Fowler’s in Vauxhall Bridge Road about horses. Home at 4 to see Brook’s cob with Robert. Kenrick Collett came in at night and we had a chat. Afterwards read till 12.

Kenrick Collett - His mother's father, a solicitor whose Partners included Mr Rowland Wimburn and Mr William Dyson

Sunday, 3rd.

To Church at 11, to hear Dr. Goullbarn (?) Walked with Robert in the afternoon, called on Rileys and Mrs. Jeffrey. Dined at home and read. In pain, back.

Monday, 4th.

Attended chemical lecture at Royal College of Chemistry. Afterwards paid my subscription and went to the City to see Hardinge about dinners. Lunched with Robert, dined with Robert and W. Tatham at the Blue Posts and afterwards to the Princesses.

Tuesday, 5th.

Lecture. Wet through. To club at 5 to meet Robert. Dined at home; Robert and whist.

Wednesday, 6th.

Lecture. To Aldridges and bought a horse. Mrs. Jeffrey and Arthur, May and Riley and G. Hardinge dined with us. To bed about 12.

Thursday, 7th.

Lecture; looked up Sneeth, and got copy of dispatch to Cox’s; got Robertson’s address and wrote to him at Junior; dined with Tatham at Highgate, going up with Robert, and returning too, which was rash.

Friday, 8th.

Lecture. Afterwards to the Club to see Robertyson who fell into my views. Dinner with old Lauries at home.

Saturday, 9th.

Wrote to Colonel Hort, and prepared other letters. Dined with Saddlers Company with W. Tatham, a capital dinner and returned thanks for the Army. Joined by Hardinge and Little, the latter in war paint. Dripped him and went to Drury Lane, and then turned off Hardinge at the A. and N., and Home, later.

Colonel Hort – Col. John Josiah Hort, 4th (The King's Own) Regt. of Foot

Saddlers Company – This is the first of only two references to the Worshipful Company of Saddlers in JWL’s diary. It is not mentioned at all in any of the brothers’ surviving letters. Yet their Father had been Master in 1847, as Sir Peter had been in 1833 and Peter Northall-Laurie in 1858. JWL and his brothers Peter and Julius became Masters in 1892, 1899 and 1900 respectively

Sunday, 10th.

To church in the rain, afterwards cleared up. Walked with Robert, and Willie Tatham, called on the Wetherbys, a long call and home. W. Lloyd to dinner.

Monday, 11th.

Chemistry in the morning; to club and at 1½ to Mineralogy, dryish; ordered Haussman’s Handbuch der Mineralogie – at home.

Tuesday, 12th.

Chemistry at 10 a.m. Mineralogy at 1½, at home.

Wednesday, 13th.

Chemistry at 10 a.m. Raining. Lylie Ainslie dined with us, looking as of old. A very pleasant evening. May and Riley with us too.

Thursday, 14th.

Chemistry at 10. Mineralogy at 1½. Dined with Robert, whist and music afterwards; walked home afterwards.

Friday, 15th.

Chemistry, 10, Mineralogy at 1½. Read at the Club. Home to dinner – quiet.

Saturday, 16th.

Rode the new horse a.m. Lunched with the Martins, 8 Craven Street; a long chat over old times. Home to dress and dined with the Cluttons. Rather an early evening with all the Moselays; walked home afterwards.

Sunday, 17th.

Church a.m. Hardinge and Brother to lunch. Walked with Robert, called on Vallances, and M. Tatham. Dinner at home, Willis and Robert, cold day.

Monday, 18th.

Cold. Lecture a.m. and p.m. Chatted at A. & N. With Davis and Thompson, 2nd. Dined with R.P.L. at Anchor Roche, Cheapside, met 3rd London Volunteers, talked to them, discipline etc., amidst cheers. Later on, to Volunteer Club and then home.

R.P.L. – Robert Laurie

Tuesday, 19th.

Cold. Lecture a.m. and p.m. Chatted with Paton at A. & N. Dined at Pubney with Corté, met Count Arrivabene, and Major Ramsay. Home in bus at foots pace.

Count Arrivabene – Giovani, Count Arrivabene (1786-1881). Economist and politician

Wednesday, 20th.

Lecture a.m. Went into city and saw Robert; frost erased; lunched in Moorgate Street, rode the colt; dined with Rileys, met Oliver and Willie L. and G. Laurie, home early.

Thursday, 21st.

Lecture a.m. Chatted with Montague, Paton, Major Richman, etc. Lecture p.m. Dined with N Tatham, and cards. Home.

Friday, 22nd.

Lecture a.m. looked up W. Tatham. Home in the rain. Major and Mrs. Martin and Miss Sharp, Rileys, Willie L. and W. Tatham, Sam and his wife dined with us. To bed after 12.

Saturday, 23rd.

Rode the colt a.m. Lunched with Martin and afterwards dined with the Vallances in Porchester Terrace. Met Mr. Moore and Mr. Bellew – the former very amusing, the latter very quiet for him, (so I was given to understand, but had little opportunity of forming an opinion) a song or two and a pleasant chat and quiet evening.

Sunday, 24th.

Church a.m. Walked with Robert p.m. Called upon Little, and dined at home quietly.

Monday 25th.

Lectures a.m. and p.m.

Tuesday, 26th.

Lectures a.m. and p.m. To Brighton by 4 p.m. train, meeting Mr. N. Laurie who said Sir P. Was poorly. Ball at the Pavilion, danced with Miss Fraser, Greenham, Marse, etc. We put the latter on their carriages with Mrs. Lyons. Met Piper (late 46th), O’Beirne, Mrs. Neil, Thompson (2nd) etc.; pleasant enough. To bed soon after three. Robert not in good spirits, Farquhar and Hardinge all right. Margaret smiling but tired.

Piper – Capt. Robert William Piper, 46th (The Devonshire) Regt. of Foot

Wednesday, 27th.

Breakfasted with Margaret, Sir Peter pretty well. Miss Fraser, coming out; walked a.m. to pavilion to hear concert. Dined, after starting Farquhar and Robert. Left by last train for London, with Hardinge.

Thursday, 28th.

Lecture a.m. and p.m. Rode p.m. Dined early and went to see C. Matthews at home. Good.

Friday, 29th.

Rode a.m. Lecture p.m. Dined with the Shaws in York Place.

Saturday, 30th.

Holiday, looked up Hawkins a.m.