
7 Sep 55 Julius Camp before Sebastopol Mother ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Camp before Sebastopol

Sept. 7th 1855

Dear Mother

The mail starts tomorrow morning early, so I am going to send you a few lines as I know you like to hear every mail.

The bombardment has been going on now for 2 days & the Malakof & Redan* are to be attacked tomorrow I believe.

At least, we have orders to have 2 days provisions ready at 6 tomorrow morng. As our brigade of the Light Division attacked the Redan last time, it falls to the lot of the 2nd to do it this time. We are in reserve but expect to have our share of it all the same.

I saw John today. He was flourishing.

The dust has been flying about today in clouds. It also gets into your tent although everything seems to be closed up.

I received 4 letters just now, 2 of which were written after you had heard about my being here.

As I have said before, we are going at the Redan tomorrow. The last time that we stormed it we had 9 Ofcrs. killed & wounded. I hope it will not be so this time.

Tell Arthur that he must not expect a letter from me in return for every one that he writes out here, as we have something else to do besides writing letters.

with best love to all

from yr. affect son

Julius, Dyson, Laurie

Lieut 34th Regt.

* Redan – One of Sevastopol’s two main defensive positions, which was not taken until the Russians withdrew on 9th September following the capture of the Malakoff by the French