
27 Jan 59 Julius Akbupore Father Hyde Park Place (West) ______________________________________________________________________________________________


27 Jan. 59. –

My dear Father

I have just received an interesting epistle which I forward for your inspection. I was written to once before by Messrs. Allen for some bill. I told them in reply that it was not my Debt but one of yrs. & that I had no doubt, if they took the trouble to ask you for it, they might get it.

I of course do not know if it was applied for, but in order to make certain that you know of it, I send you the enclosed which I think is about as insolent a production as ever issued from a low lawyers’ office.

I shall not take any notice of it as I am not inclined to be intimidated by a parcel of lawyers. If you consider it is part of what you engaged to pay for, viz. my outfit, perhaps you would see Messrs. Allen & give them your sentiments. I told them before to apply to you so that the expenses of the writing of this very polite letter will have to be deducted from the sum named.

This is the second letter of the sort I have received lately, the first having been from Messrs. Wilkinson & I must say they are a very unpleasant sort of English letter to receive. Perhaps by return you will kindly let me know what steps you are going to take regarding it.

I wrote to my Mother this morning.

I hope you are all well.

With love,

believe me

Yr. affect. Son

J D Laurie