
2 Aug 55 Julius Castile Barracks, Valletta Mother ______________________________________________________________________________________________

August 2nd 1855

Castile Bks. Valletta

Dear Mother

As you have most likely often heard of Maltese Crosses, I thought you would perhaps like to see one, so I have sent a small silver one to you in the shape of a brooch.

There is a report here that Sebastopol is to be stormed on the 28th. I only hope that I may be there in time.

Will you give my love to Mary & tell her that at the same time I despatched a small Maltese Cross to her. It is rather smaller than yours but I think it is the same sort.

I went over the Cathedral of St. John this Morning. It beats Prague out & out. You see all the tombs of the Knights of Malta there.

With love &c. to all

yr. affect. son

I remain

Julius, Dyson, Laurie

Lieut. 34th Foot