
30 Jun 55 Julius Fulwood Barracks, Preston Mother ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Fulwood Bks. Preston


Dear Mother

We have had some more orders this morning to the effect that all the Ens. down to Leeson (two below me) are to go out with the Draft which some say goes tomorrow, but I do not fancy that we shall go till next week. We go in the Warspirit from Liverpool, but I do not fancy that we shall stop anywhere before we get to Malta. I should think it will be hot enough out there, judging by how it is here.

Have you heard from John or Peter since I left.

I do not expect they will let me take my servant out with me. He is alright again now.

I have just been ordering some flannel trousers & a coarse tunic without any lace on it.

From yr. affect son

Julius, Dyson, Laurie

Ens 34th Regt.

I suppose you will see my Father on Sunday and communicate the intelligence to him.