
24 Jan 58 Julius on board 'Nubia' Mother Hyde Park Place ______________________________________________________________________________________________

‘Nubia’ off Madras

24th Jan'ry 58. –

My dear Mother

I could not get the enclosed* off at Ceylon, so I end it now. It would have gone by the same mail so makes no difference.

We have had a beautiful passage from Suez this far & very fast. We shall most probably get a place to sleep in now as a large number of people leave here.

We have now only 4 more days & I hope we shall get in all right.

There is a report that we are only allowed 3 days preparatory to going up the country by ‘dak’* as it is called – that is a small kind of palanquin on the shoulders of 4 natives.

We are now close to the anchorage so must subside.

With love to all

I am yr. affect. Son

J D Laurie

* the enclosed – His letter started on 20th January

* ‘dak’ – (Also spelled dawk or dâk) Anglo-Indian relay system for post or transport