
11 Oct 60 Julius Fyzabad Mother ______________________________________________________________________________________________


11 – 10 – 60

My dear Mother

I write a few lines, although I have, I think, already sent one long effusion for this mail. My principal reason is to enclose a letter I got a few days back from Richardson, my VC man. You will see that he has been discharged from the Army & is living in Ireland. His address is in the letter.

I know my Father is a great man in the Pensioners’ Employment Society. I wonder if he could get him into any situation. His chief failing – a common one amongst soldiers – is a fondness for drink which breaks out occasionally. I hope he may have got over it since his return home. You know I am partly the cause of the poor fellow’s being discharged owing to my having pierced his hand. So I feel bound to do or get done something for his benefit. I am almost powerless at such a distance but John, at home, will doubtless be able to give you all necessary advice.

Peel leaves us immediately. I believe his Papers will go home by this Mail & I understand ‘Holroyd’ is the only Purchaser for the Company before me, and it is of course possible that his money may not be ready, so I hope there is no doubt in Cox’s mind concerning my (?) readiness. I always speak about my purchasing but you & my Father I have no doubt understand my language.

Best love to Helen & all from yr affect son
