
在北美和欧洲常用的有机肥有hornmeal (角粉,也叫Hoof and Horn Meal 蹄角粉,或叫Hoof and Horn Meal Organic Fertilizer 蹄角粉有机肥)、 bonemeal (骨粉,或 Bone Meal Fertilizer)、Blood Meal fertilizer (血粉) 和Fish Meal fertilizer(鱼粉)。

(1)蹄角粉:主要是由牛的蹄和角及其他牲畜的蹄和角等经过粉碎蒸煮等过程制成的有机肥。因为蹄和角主要由角蛋白组成,所以含氮量很高,N : P : K=12 : 2 : 0。

(2)骨粉:主要由牛或其他牲畜(包括动物)的骨头磨成粉制成的。骨粉磷含量很多,常见骨粉N : P : K= 3 : 15 : 0。

(3)血粉:主要是有牛、猪等动物的血经干燥等处理制成的有机肥,其含氮量类似蹄角粉。N : P : K=12 : 0 : 0。但是血粉属于速效肥料,有效1个月左右;骨粉属于缓释肥料,有效期4个月左右;蹄角粉也属于缓释肥料,有效期有12个月左右。

(4)鱼粉: Fish meal 是鱼的下脚料通过加热直接粉碎制成的,其N-P-K =10-6-2,有效期1-4个月,鱼粉(Fish Powder)是通过加热等处理过程,使之转换为水溶性的粉末,其N-P-K =12-0.25-1,为速效性肥料,有效期在1个月以内。

蘑菇土:平均而言, 蘑菇土为含氮量为1.12%, 且多以有机质的形式存在可以缓慢释放, 被植物充分利用;其含磷量为0.67%、含钾量1.24%、含钙量2.29%、含镁量0.35%、含铁量1.07%。 其PH值6.0~7.0, 是植物生长发育的最佳PH值范围,蘑菇土的碳/氮为13:1,所有这些都说明蘑菇土是非常好的 有机肥, 非常适合蔬菜、果树或观赏植物的生长发育。


新鲜鸡粪营养含量:氮0.9-1.5%、磷0.4-0.5% 、钾 0.8%

NPK Values of Common Farmyard Manures – Cow, Horse, Pig, Chicken, Sheep & Rabbit

Let’s take a look at the N-P-K values of the most common farmyard manures. These are pretty variable according to the diet the animals have had, how long it has been rotted for etc but it gives a reasonable idea.

NPK Value of Home Made Compost

Your own home made compost has NPK values quite similar to those of animal manure:

Having covered manures and compost, the next thing to look at is a fertiliser you make yourself, comfrey tea. Following the recipe of 6 Kg (14lbs) of wilted comfrey in 90 litres (20 gallons) of water in a barrel, produces a comfrey liquid feed with these values:

Although the percentage NPK values are relatively low in comparison with manures, being in liquid form, nutrients are immediately available to the plants.

More information on growing comfrey and comfrey tea or liquid fertiliser

In organic systems there is qualified acceptance of using ‘natural’ fertilisers to supplement nutrient levels achieved by composts and manures. These are

Unlike artificial fertilisers, the ‘natural’ fertilisers tend to dissolve slowly and thereby release their nutrients more slowly. More information on natural fertilisers.