Les auditeurs de l'OTAN accueillent des experts financiers algériens

Fecha de publicación: 11-mar-2018 18:25:22

Dans cet article, nous nous faisons l'écho des nouvelles publiées sur le site web de l'OTAN concernant la visite de la délégation des inspecteurs de l'IGF dans les installations IBAN du siège de l'OTAN à Bruxelles.

Nous transcrivons ci-dessous les nouvelles publiées:

NATO auditors welcome Algerian finance experts

A delegation of inspectors from the “Inspection Générale des Finances” of Algeria met with the International Board of Auditors for NATO (IBAN) on 29 November 2017.

The group attended a series of briefings led by the Chairman of the IBAN, Mr Hervé-Adrien Metzger. Topics included external audit arrangements and procedures, planning, clearing processes and finalisation of reports in financial and performance auditing. The inspectors agreed on the importance of following up recommendations and implementing them effectively.

The visit took place as part of a training project funded by the European Union and led by the Finance Ministry of Spain. While in Brussels, the Algerian inspectors also held meetings at the European Union (EU), including with the Anti-fraud Office and the Spanish Representation to the EU."