Welcome to E-learning - SES 4U


Welcome to this E-learning environment. I hope that you will enjoy the format of this course. This is a new venture for me and I am excited to get started with E-learning. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any specific questions or concerns about the course.

Keys to SUCCESS in this course

1. Get familiar with the online format of this course. You will be using this website AND the Learning Management Software (LMS). The LMS is the software program that you will be asked to log in to each day you access the course materials and content. Please make sure that you access and read the slideshow that outlines how to use online courses. Click here to access this slideshow.

- Students will use this website as a overall guide to the course. There are many different tools on this site that students can use to assist their learning. All course content is on this site and is arranged by WEEK. For example, week #1 content and assignments runs from September 8th - 14th, 2014.

- Students will use the LMS (Learning Management Software) to access all quizzes, unit tests and online discussions. Students will also submit all major assignments using the 'DROP BOX" function in the LMS. Students are expected to sign into the LMS daily (Mon-Fri) and work on course requirements / activities - attendance is recorded electronically each time you log in (it also records how long you are online for and what you did on the LMS!).

2. Stay on top of course material! Do not procrastinate, be sure to do the chapter readings and study guides on time. There will be weekly quizzes to ensure that you are up-to-date with all course material.

2. Complete all assignments ON TIME. Click here for the Late Policy on E-learning assignments.

3. Use all electronic and print resources available to you.

4. Email or call Mr. Durk if you need assistance. (see contact info). If you are in the school, feel free to track me down as I would like to meet as many of you as possible.

Good luck! This will be my 2nd time teaching an e-learning course, so I am still learning as well. Please provide any feedback on how I can improve this course as we progress. I hope you enjoy the course!

Mr. Durk