
Welcome to my website! I started this site in January 2011 as an improved way for me to communicate with students and parents. I am always looking for new ways to improve learning and to make information and content readily available. Below I have a brief biography of my time on planet Earth...I hope that you find my website useful as a parent, student or teacher.

Born in Toronto in 1978 (I don't mind sharing my birth year), my family moved to Guelph in October 1987 where I went on to attend Centennial CVI (Ross' biggest cross town rival). I then went on to study Geography & Earth Science at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario. My primary academic interests included Meteorology, Geology, Natural disasters, Geomorphology and Astronomy. During my time at UWO, I was fortunate enough to spend a full summer doing field research while living in the Rocky Mountains (literally). My focus was on the sediment (bedload) that was being transported downstream from a melting glacier (Small River Glacier). I spent nine weeks at a camp at 9,000 feet above sea level, and without any of the common amenities that we take for granted each day (e.g. toilet, shower, TV, radio, etc). This once in a lifetime experience really opened my eyes to the world of physical geography and how truly amazing our planet is.

After completing my undergraduate degree in Physical Geography (BSc) in 2001, I decided to pursue teaching as a career path. I have always loved maps and learning about different and unique places around the world, and now I can truly say that I chose a profession that is perfect for my interests and abilities. After completing Teacher's College (BEd) in 2002, I decided to spend the summer travelling through Europe and also gain valuable experience supply teaching in London, England. Some of the countries that I was able to visit during this time include: Scotland, England, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Italy and Switzerland.

In August of 2002 I landed my first teaching job at Cawthra Park Secondary School in Mississauga, Ontario. I have many fond memories of my first year teaching job, and will always remember the great staff and students at this remarkable Arts focused school. My first classes taught were one section of Grade 9 Canadian Geography (CGC 1D1) and two sections of Canadian and World Issues (CGW 4U1).

In September 2003 I was hired at Sommerville Manor Private School (also in Mississauga, Ontario) to teach grades 6 - 8 Earth Science and Geography. I truly enjoyed my time at Sommerville and also learned a lot about education at the elementary level. My time at Sommerville also made me realize the many differences (some good and some not so good) between private and publicly funded education.

It was in late August of 2004 that I landed my current teaching position at John F. Ross in Guelph. I was ecstatic to return to Guelph after 7 years of living in London and the Greater Toronto Area.

In addition to my teaching assignments in Geography and Earth Science (CGC 1DP, CGG 3O1, CGF 3M1 & SES 4U1), I also coach the Ross Golf Team and the Ross Baseball team. I also organize and participate in the annual Ross Ski trip to Blue Mountain each February and have organized numerous overnight extended educational field trips to amazing places such as: New York City, Washington DC, Eastern Europe, China, Greece, Turkey and most recently Italy, Austria and Switzerland in March of 2014. Next March break (2015) we will be travelling to Croatia, Slovenia, Austria and Hungary for 10 days. We are currently exploring our options for a March break 2016 tour as well.

Some of my other hobbies and interests (other than spending time with my family and travel) include golf, skiing, badminton, baseball, flag football, geocaching, hiking, photography, reading (Mr. Durk's favourite books) and interior camping / portaging.

My wife and two sons (June 2011)

Kayaking at Killbear Provincial Park (Summer 2012)