Travel breast hammock

Materials-Small amount of soft yarn that will not stretch too much and a hook to work with the yarn. Model used less than ¾ oz of TLC Baby Yarn, color 8737 Powder Pink Sparkle and size G hook, large paper clip or other hook to hang hammock, stitch marker or small piece of yarn of another color to mark end of rounds, split ring

Ch 4 to begin, join 4th ch from hook with sl st to form a ring.

Rnd 1- Ch 1, sc in ring (ch 3, sc in ring)5x, ch 1, hdc in 1st sc. Place marker at end of each round, move up for each round.

Rnd 2-(ch 4. Sc in next lp, ch 3, sc in next lp)2x, ch 4, sc in next lp, ch 1, hdc in hdc,

Rnd 3-Ch 3, sc in next lp, ch 3, sc in same lp for corner, *(ch 3, sc in next lp))2x, ch 3, sc in same lp for corner. Repeat from *, ending with ch 1, hdc in hdc. 3 corner lps, 2 side lps each side. 9 loops

Rnd 4 Ch 3, sc in next lp, repeat until sc is in next corner lp. Then ch 3, sc in same lp. -Continue to work around, increasing 1 lp in each side of triangle by making a corner loop in each corner, and ending with ch 1, hdc. Rnd 4 has 12 loops.

Rnd 5 on- Repeat round 4, increasing 1 loop on each side of the triangle with each round (3 loops increased each round. When piece is deep enough make strings and border.

Border round-Ch 2, sc in next lp around, but in each corner lp ch 30, sk 5 ch, sl st in 25 chs back to lp, sc in corner lp again,, continue around, join to hdc at beg or round, end off and weave in ends.

Thread loop on end of each string onto the split ring, and place ring on opened paper clip or hook and hang from a hanger or hook.

See for photos of the completed project.