Fashion Doll layering tank top

Materials: #10 bamboo thread, size 7 steel crochet hook, sewing needle, scissors

This is sized to fit over the sports bra and yoga pants.

Round 1 (WS)-Ch 4, leaving 4” tail to join bottom of this round, joined foundation dc in 4th ch from hook, 44 more foundation dcs, join to top of ch-4, turn. 46 sts

Rounds 2-3-Ch 3 as first dc, joined dc in next st, dc in each st around, join to top of starting ch-3, turn.

Round 4-Ch 3 as first dc, joined dc in next st, work around, decreasing 1 dc over 2 sts at each side. (join is center back), join as before, turn. 44 sts.

Round 5-Ch 3 as first dc, joined dc in next st, work around decreasing 1 dc over 2 sts at each side of center back, join as before, turn. 42 sts.

Round 6- Ch 3 as first dc, joined dc in next st, work around decreasing 1 dc over 2 sts at each side of center front, join as before, turn. 40 sts

Round 7-Repeat round 4. 38 sts

Rows 8-10-Repeat row 2.

Round 11-Ch 3 as first dc, joined dc in next st, work around, increasing 1 dc in side of center back, each side of center front, and 2nd side of center back, join as before, turn. 42 sts.

Round 12-Repeat round 11-46 sts.

Round 13-Repeat row 2.

Round 14-Ch 3 as first dc, joined dc in next st, dc in next 6 sts, ch 13, sk next 7 sts, dc in next 17 sts, ch 13, sk 7 sts, dc in last 7 sts, join to top of ch 3, end off.

Join row 1 at bottom, weave in ends.

Pull the top over the doll’s bare legs, but hands through armhole straps and position top over the sports bra. Adjust bra position if needed. Put yoga pants on next and pull tank top down over pants.

See for photographs of the completed project.