Pink Ribbon Reverse Filet Scarf

Materials-Pink DK yarn, size C hook or size to give gauge. Model used approx. 2.6 oz.

Gauge-Approx 4” wide and 54” long

Special stitches and directions-

Start with foundation dc.

Turn at the end of every row.

Begin every row after row 1 with ch 3, joined dc in next st. For joined dc, do not yo, draw up a lp in 2nd ch of starting ch 3, draw up a second lp in 2nd st of previous row, (yo and draw through 2 lps)2x.

Row 1 (RS)-Ch 4, foundation dc row of 22 more sts. 23 dc (Alternate instructions, ch 25, dc in 4th ch from hook and in each ch across.)

Rows 2-4-(see special stitches above for beginning of row instructions) Dc in each dc.

Rows 5-6-Dc in first 5 sts, **(ch 1, sk next st, dc in next st)2x**, dc in next 6 sts, rep between ** **, dc in last 4 sts.

Row 7-Dc in first 7 sts, **(ch 1, sk next st, dc in next st)2x**, dc in next 2 sts, rep between ** **, dc in last 6 sts.

Row 8-Dc in first 7 sts, ch 1, sk next st, dc in next 5 sts, (ch 1, sk next st, dc in next st)2x, dc in last 6 sts.

Row 9-Dc in first 9 sts (ch 1, sk next st, dc in next st)2x, dc in last 10 sts.

Row 10-Dc in first 9 sts, (ch 1, sk next st, dc in next st)3x, dc in last 8 sts.

Row 11-Dc in first 11 sts, (ch 1, sk next st, dc in next st)2x, dc in last 8 sts.

Row 12-Dc in first 7 sts, (ch 1, sk next st, dc in next st)2x, dc in next 4 sts, ch 1, sk next st, dc in last 7 sts.

Row 13-Repeat row 7.

Rows 14-16-Repeat row 5.

Row 17-Dc in first 5 sts, (ch 1, sk next st, dc in next st)7x, dc in last 4 sts.

Row 18-Dc in first 7 sts, (ch 1, sk next st, dc in next st)5x, dc in last 6 sts.

Rows 19-22-Dc in each dc across.

Rows 23-25-Repeat rows 5-7.

Row 26-Repeat row 12.

Row 27-Repeat row 11.

Row 28-Repeat row 10.

Row 29-Dc in first 9 sts, (ch 1, sk next st, dc in next st)2x, dc in last 10 sts.

Row 30-Repeat row 8.

Rows 31-40-Repeat rows 13-22.

Repeat rows 5-40 for 3rd and 4th ribbons.

Gauge check- Measure length of scarf. Add plain dc rows until piece measures 27” for half of scarf. Then count the number of plain dc rows and work an equal amount. Last row is a RS row. On model, 8 dc rows made 27”, so there are 16 rows of dc between tops of 4th and 5th ribbons. Second half of scarf has ribbons in mirror image (see photos at

Fifth & Sixth Ribbons are worked from the top down. All repeat rows reference to the first half of the scarf unless otherwise stated.

Row 1-(WS)-Repeat row 18.

Row 2-Repeat row 17.

Rows 3-5-Repeat row 3.

Row 6-Repeat row 7.

Rows 7-14-Repeat rows 12 back to row 5.

Rows 15-18-Work dc in each st across.

Rows 19-24-Repeat rows 1-6 of fifth ribbon.

Rows 25-32-Repeat rows 26 back to row 19.

Rows 33-36-Dc in each st across.

Repeat rows 1-36 of 5th and 6th ribbons for 7th and 8th ribbons. End off after last row.

Weave in ends.

See for photos of finished project.