Ripple Afghan Square

Materials: Knitting Worsted in Main Color (MC) Brown about 3/4 oz, Color A Lime, Color B Turquoise, less than ½ oz each color, crochet hooks sizes 4.5 mm (size 7) and 5.00 mm (size H)or size to give gauge, scissors, yarn needle

Gauge: Completed square is 10”

Special stitches-decrease 1 dc over 2 sts:

At beginning of a row-ch 2, sk first st, dc in next st.

Anywhere else- (yo hook, insert hook in next st, yo and draw up a loop, yo and through 2 loops)2x, yo and through 3 loops on hook..

To change colors: Draw new color through last loop of final stitch of old color.

With MC and 4.5 hook, ch 38

Row 1 (RS)-Sc in 2nd ch from hook, (sc in next 2 ch, sk next ch, 3 dc in next ch, sk next ch, sc in next 2 ch)5x, sc in last ch, changing to color A and 5.00 mm hook. Ch 1, turn. 37 sts Do not end off MC

Work all subsequent rows in the back loop only.

Row 2-Sc in first st, sk next st, (sc in next 2 sts, 5 sc in next st, sc in next 2 sts, sk next 2 sts)4x, sc in next 2 sts, 5 sc in next st, sc in next 2 sts, sk 1 st, sc in last st, ch 1, turn. 47 sts

Row 3-Sc in 1st st, sk next st, (sc in next 3 sts, 3 sc in next st, sc in next 3 sts, sk next 2 sts)4x, sc in next 3 sts, 3 sc in next st, sc in next 3 sts, sk next st, sc in last st, changing back to MC, drawing it up from 2 rows down. Ch 1, turn, end off color A

Rows 4-5- Work row 3 with MC. Change to color B at the end of row 5 but do not end off MC.

Rows 6-7-Work row 3 with color B. Draw up MC at the end of row 7 and end off color B.

Rows 8-27-Continue in pattern working 2 rows of each color. Change to MC at end of row 27 and change to 4.5mm hook.

Row 28-(Ch 2, sk 1st st, dc in next st) as dc dec, (hdc in next st, sc in next 2 sts, sk next st, sc in next 2 sts, hdc in next st, dc dec over next 2 sts)5x, end off. 36 sts

Finishing: Tie starting and ending tails of each stripe of A and B over the MC thread to partially conceal yarn that has been drawn up. Weave in all ends.

Variation: Make rows 1-5 in one color and change colors every 4 rows instead of every 2 rows. Sample has 26 rows.

Variation 2- Work in 2 colors. Work row 1 in Color A, change to color B and work rows 2-3 in color B, but do not end off colors. Carry colors up the side so you have only 4 ends to weave in when the square is complete. To help conceal the ends, after you draw up the new color, move the old color behind the work, circle the thread so the yarn faces out and take the first stitch of the new color through the back loop of the square and over the old color yarn. Pull the old color to adjust the tension. After completing 2 rows with the new color, pull the old color through. Model has 30 rows. For photo tutorial on color changing, click on the link below.

Click here

See for photos of all 3 squares, including a close-up of the side of Variation 2 with the colors carried up the side.