Fashion Doll Camelot Dress

Materials: About 1.2 oz thin yarn (Model uses Herrschners 2-Ply Afghan and Apparel Yarn), 2 small snaps, size E crochet hook, scissors, yarn needle or smaller hook to weave in ends, sewing needle and matching sewing thread for snaps.

Size-Fits newer fashion dolls

Stitch notes-when working into a sl st, insert hook in back lp only.

Bodice-Starting under bustline and working up, ch 27

Row 1 (WS)-Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across, ch 1,turn. 26 sts

Row 2-Sc in first 10 sts, 2 sc in next st, sc in next 4 sts, 2 sc in next st, sc in last 10 sts, ch 1, turn. 28 sts

Row 3-Sc in first 10 st, 2 sc in next st, sc in next 6 sts, 2 sc in next st, sc in last 10 sts, ch 1, turn. 30 sts

Row 4-Sc in first 9 sts, 2 sc in next st, sc in next 2 sts, 2 sc in next st, sc in next 4 sts, 2 sc in next st, sc in next 2 sts, 2 sc in next st, sc in last 9 sts, ch 1, turn. 34 sts

Row 5-Sc in first 16 scs, work next 2 sts tog for dec, sc in last 16 sc. 33 sts

Row 6 (make armholes)-Sc in first 5 sts, dec over next 2 sts, ch 10, sk next 2 sts, dec over next 2 sts, sc in next 11 sts, dec over next 2 sts, ch 10, sk next 2 sts, dec over next 2 sts, sc in last 5 sts, ch 1, turn. 45 sts including chs

Row 7-Sc in first 4 sts, *dec over next 2 sts, dec over next 2 ch, sc in next 6 ch, dec over last 2 ch, dec over next 2 sc*, sc in next 9 sts, repeat between **’s, sc in last 4 sts, ch 1, turn. 37 sts

Row 8-Sc in first 3 sts, *(dec over next 2 sts)2x, sc in next 4 sc, (dec over next 2 sts)2x*, sc in next 7 sts, repeat between **’s, sc in last 3 sc, end off. 29 sts


Rnd 1- With RS facing, sk first underarm st, join with sl st in 2nd free st. Sl st into next st on row, sl st into side of next st (dec on row 6). Now working in back of 10 ch sts, sl st in next ch, sc in next ch, hdc in next ch, dc in next 4 ch, hdc in next ch, sc in next ch, sl st in last ch, sl st in side of dec on row 6, sl st in base of same st (into row 5), sl st in last free underarm st. 16 sts.

Rnd 2-Sl st in 1st 2 sts, sc in next st, hdc in next st, dc in next 8 sts, hdc in next st, sc in next st, sl st in last 2 sts, join to 1st st of rnd.

Rnd 3-Ch 2 as first dc, dc in same st for inc, dc in each st around, dc in last st of rnd for inc, join. 18 sts

Rnds 4-9-Repeat rnd 3 for wider sleeve. End off after rnd 9, which has 30 sts.

Skirt-Work on opposite side of starting ch with RS facing

Rnd 1-With RS facing, join on other side of starting ch with a ch 2 as first dc, (dc in next 2 ch, 2 dc in next ch, dc in next 2 ch)5x, join to top of ch-2, do not turn this or following rnds. 31 sts

Rnd 2-ch 2 as first dc, dc in same st for inc, dc in next 5 sts, (2 dc in next st, dc in next 5 sts)4x, dc in last st, join. 36 sts

Rnd 3-Ch 2 as first dc, dc in each st around, join to top of ch 2.

Rnd 4-Ch 2 as 1st dc, work 6 evenly spaced increases around, join to top of ch 2. 42 sts.

Repeat rnds 3 & 4 for desired length of gown, varying placement of increases. If hem rolls, do a round of anti-roll stitch (sl st into back lp and lp behind it-see directions in pattern for Disney Princess Dancer’s Dress) Yellow model has 19 rounds + a round of anti-roll stitch.

Finishing-Weave in all ends, sew on snaps.

For photos, see under designer Hazel Furst