Fashion doll fitted tank top

This will fit most fashion dolls.

Materials #10 crochet cotton and #7 steel hook. Small snaps and matching sewing thread. Sewing needle.

Turn and ch 1 at beg of each row as of row 2. Inc = 2 sc in designated st. Dec = work 1 sc over 2 designated sts.

Row 1-Starting at waistline, ch 35, sc in 2nd ch and each ch across. 34 sc

Rows 2-3-Sc in each sc across

Row 4-Incr at beg & end of row. 36 sc

Rows 5-6-Sc in each sc.

Row 7-9 sc, inc in next st, sc in next 16 sts, inc in next st. sc in last 9 sts. 38 sts.

Row 8- 13 sc, inc, 2 sc, inc, 4 sc, inc, 2 sc, inc, 13 sc. 42 sc.

Row 9- 10 sc, inc, 20 sc, inc, 10 sc. 44 sts

Row 10-work even

Row 11-15 sc, inc, 3 sc, inc, 4 sc, inc, 3 sc, inc, 15 sc. 48 sts.

Row 12- 11 sc, inc, 24 sc, inc 11 sc. 50 sts

Row 13-5 sc, inc, 38 sc, inc, 5 sc. 52 sts.

Rows 14-17-work even.

Row 18- 20 sc, dec, 8 sc, dec, 20 sc. 50 sts.

Row 19 (armhole row)- 9 sc, ch 11, sk next 5 sc of row 18, sc in next st and in next 3 sts, dec in next 2 sts, sc in next 10 sts, dec in next sts, st in next 4 sts, ch 11, skip next 5 sts of row 18, sc in last 9 sts. 38 sc + 22 ch = 60 sts.

Row 20-Sc in first 8 sts, *dec over next sc and 1st ch, sc in next 9 ch, dec over next ch and first sc*, sc across next 18 sts, rep between **, sc in last 8 sts, end off. 56 sts.

Sew snaps in place at the back.

See photo on