Fashion Doll Eloise Wedding Dress

Materials: #10 Crochet cotton (model uses Cebelia), thinner cotton for trim (optional), # 7 and #9 (optional) crochet hooks, sewing thread to match #10 cotton, sewing needle, small snaps, scissors.

Gauge-Fits most fashion dolls. See instructions for Fashion Doll Eloise short dress for gauge swatches.

Start at center and work out, then work other side with reverse shaping.

Side 1

Row 1-With #10 cotton and #7 hook, ch 82. Joined dc in 4th ch from hook, dc in each ch across, turn. 80 dc.

Row 2 (RS)-BLO this row and all odd-numbered rows. Ch 3 as first dc, dc in next 57 sts, hdc in next 3 sts, sc in next 3 sts, sl st in next 4 sts, sc in next 4 sts, hdc in next 4 sts, dc in last 4 sts, turn.

Row 3-Work this row and all even-numbered rows through BOTH lps of all sts. Ch 3 as first dc, joined dc in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 4 sts, sc in next 4 sts, sl st in next 4 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 3 sts, dc in next 58 sts, turn.

Row 4-(BLO)-ch 3 as first dc, dc in each st across, turn.

Row 5-(both lps)-Ch 3 as first dc, joined dc in next st, dc in each st across, turn.

Rows 6-12-Repeat rows 2-5 and then repeat rows 2-4.

Row 13-(both lps)-Ch 3 as first dc, joined dc in next st, dc in next 21 sts; end off, leaving remaining sts unworked. 23 dc

Side 2-

Row 1-With WS facing and #7 hook, attach #10 cotton with ch-3 to 1st st on other side of starting ch, dc in each ch across. 80 dc.

Row 2-(RS)BLO this row and all odd-numbered rows-Ch 3 for first dc, joined dc in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 4 sts, sc in next 4 sts, sl st in next 4 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 3 sts, dc in next 58 sts, turn.

Row 3-Work this row and all even-numbered rows through BOTH lps of all sts-Ch 3 as first dc, dc in next 57 sts, hdc in next 3 sts, sc in next 3 sts, sl st in next 4 sts, sc in next 4 sts, hdc in next 4 sts, dc in last 4 sts, turn.

Row 4-(BLO)Ch 3, joined dc in next st, dc in each st across row, turn.

Row 5-(Work in both lps of all sts) Ch 3, dc in next st and in each st across, turn.

Rows 6-11-Repeat rows 2-5 and then repeat rows 2-3.

Row 12-Repeat row 4 but end off at the end of row (skirt end), leaving a long tail to whipstitch center back seam below overlap, turn.

Row 13-Skip first 57 sts, join #10 cotton with ch3 in next st, joined dc in both lps of next st, dc in each st across. Do not end off. 23 dc.

Top row 1 (WS)-Continuing with MC, ch 1 and work across top edge of dress (along sides of dcs and ch-3’s, This will pull the top in a little.). (Work 3 sc down sides of next 2 rows)2x, sc in side of next row, ch 10, sk next 2 rows, sc in side of next row near bottom of sc, (work 3 sc down sides of next 2 rows)5X, sc in side of next row, ch 10, sk next 2 rows, sc in side of next row near top of st, (3 sc down side of next 2 rows)2X, turn. 51 sts

Top row 2- Ch 1, sc in next 6 sts, *work sc dec over next sc and ch 1, sc in next 8 ch, work sc dec over last ch and next sc,* sc in next 15 st, rep between **, sc in last 6 st, sl st into ch 1 of previous row, end off. 47 sts

Finishing- With WS facing, whipstitch back seam together through both lps of bottom 57 sts. Secure all ends and weave them in on WS. Sew snaps at top and bottom of back overlap, and at waistline, being careful not to catch skipped lps. A fourth snap at center back is recommended if the gown is trimmed.

Optional Trim-With #9 hook and thinner cotton, attach yarn with ch 1 to first unworked lp at center of dress. Sc in same sp, (ch 3, sc in next unworked lp) to end. Repeat with all lines of unworked lps. Adjust number of chs if necessary.

Attach yarn to front lp of first sc on top row 2 with ch 1, (ch 3, sl st in front lp of next sc)across. End off.

See, where I am HazelinNY for photos.