Criss Cross Scarf and Hat Set

Materials: Red Heart With Love 1 skein each of Pewter and Black, 5.5 mm crochet hook size I9 or size to give gauge, scissors, yarn needle,

Gauge: 3 sts-= 1”

Criss Cross Hat

The unusual construction of this pretty hat results in a practical, extra-warm hat that is fun to make.

Hat circumference is 20” (23 ½”),

Notes: The crown of the hat is worked in rounds, then in strips which are joined near the brim. Strips of the contrasting color are woven through, joined, and tacked in place.

Special stitches:

Joined dc-ch 3 for first dc. For 2nd dc, do not yo. Insert hook in 2nd ch from hook and draw up a lp, sk 1st dc, insert hook in next dc and draw up a lp. There are 3 lps on the hook. (Yo and through 2 lps)2x. First 2 dc’s of row completed.

Joined tr- ch 4 for first tr. Insert hook in 2nd ch from hook and draw up a lp, insert hook in next ch and draw up another lp. Sk next st and draw up a lp in following st. There are 4 lps on the hook. (Yo and draw through 2 lps)3x. First 2 tr are completed

With Pewter, ch 10

Round 1-5 dc in 4th ch from hook, (dc in one lp of next ch(5x), 6 dc in last ch. Now working around other side of starting ch, (dc in one lp of next ch)5x, join with sl st to top of ch-3. 22 sts, including ch-3 at beginning of round.

Round 2-Ch 3, dc in join, (2 dc in next st)5x, dc in next 5 sts, (2 dc in next st)6x, dc in last 5 sts, join as before. 34 sts

Round 3- ch 3, (2 dc in next st, dc in next st)6x, dc in next 5 sts, (2 dc in next st, dc in next st)6x, dc in last 4 sts, join. 46 sts

Round 4-ch 3, (2 dc in next st, dc in next 2 sts)6x, dc in next 5 sts, (2 dc in next st, dc in next 2 sts)6x, dc in last 4 sts, join. 58 sts

Small size only

Round 5--Ch 3, dc in next 16 sts, 2 dc in next st, dc in next 28 sts, 2 dc in next st, dc in remaining 11 sts, join, do not turn. 60 sts

Strip 1-Sl st into first dc after join to begin strip 1.

Large size only

Round 5- Ch 3, (dc in next 2 sts, 2 dc in next st, dc in next st)6x, dc in next 5 sts, (dc in next 2 sts, 2 dc in next st, dc in next st)6x, dc in last 4 sts, join. 70 sts

Round 6-Ch 3, dc in each dc; join and turn.

Strip 1-Ch 1, sl st in next 2 ch, turn.

Both sizes:

Strip 1

Row 1 (RS)- Ch 3, joined dc in next st, dc in next 3 sts, turn (5 sts)

Rows 2-6-Repeat row 1. End off at the end of row 6.

Strips 2-11 (Strips 2-13)-

Row 1-Join yarn with ch-3 in next st on round 5 (6) of hat, joined dc in next st, dc in next 3 sts, turn.

Rows 2-6-Ch 2, joined dc in next st, dc in each st across, turn. End off at the end of row 6

Strip 12 (14) and next round

Row 1- Join yarn with ch-3 in next st on round 5 (6) of hat, joined dc in next st, dc in last 3 sts of round, turn.

Rows 2-6-Repeat instructions for strips 2-11 (2-13) but do not end off after row 6

Next round-Turn, ch 3, joined dc in next st, dc in next 3 sts, then dc across the rest of the strips and join to the top of ch-3 at beginning of round. Do not turn, 60 (70) sts.

Next round-Ch 1, sc in each st around, join and do not turn.


Ch 4, joined tr in next st, tr in next 8 sts, 2 tr in next st, tr in next 13 (14) sts, 2 tr in next st, tr in next 15 (19) sts, 2 tr in next st, tr in next 13 (14) sts, 2 tr in next st, tr in last 5 (9)sts. Join and end off. 64 (74) tr.

Finishing on first color

Secure joins on strips, weave in all ends,

Cross strips-make 3

With black, leave a long starting tail and ch 7, turn.

Row 1-Draw up a lp in 2nd ch from hook and in 4th ch from hook. There are 3 lps on the hook. (Yo and through 2 lps)2x for starting ch-3 and joined dc; dc in remaining 3 chs, turn. 5 sts

Row 2-Ch 3, joined dc in next st, dc in next 2 dc and into top of starting ch.

Repeat row 2 until strip is long enough to weave through the hat as shown, placing seams on the underside of hat. Model has 34 (42) rows and is approximately 21” (24”) long. End off after last row, leaving a long tail. Tails are used to sew seams of the strips and to tack in place.

Finishing second color

Starting at the back of the hat, weave in first strip, sew seam, and tack in place on underside of hat. Repeat with second and third strips as shown. Weave in all ends.

Criss Cross Scarf

The scarf fits over the head and sits high on the neck for practical warmth. It is reversible so either color can be the dominant color.

Small scarf is 32” long by 5” wide. Large scarf is 34” long by 6” wide.

Special instructions:

Double ch foundation: Ch 2, sc in side of 2nd ch from hook, sc in side of next ch. Continue for required number of sts.

Joined dc- See special instructions for hat above

Turn at the end of every row.


With pewter, work a double ch foundation of 15 (18)ch.

Row 1-Ch 3 as first st, sk first double ch, joined dc in next ch, dc in each ch across. 15 (18) dc, including starting ch-3

Row 2-Ch 3 as first st, joined dc in next st, dc in each st across, including top of ch-3 attached to joined dc of previous row.

Repeat row 2 until piece measures 8 ½ “; model has 16 rows

Strip 1-

Row 1-Ch 3, joined dc in next st, dc in next 3 (4)sts, leaving rest of row unworked. 5 (6) sts

Row 2-Ch 3, joined dc in next st, dc in next 3 (4) sts.

Rows 3-7 (3-9)-dc in each st. End off after row 7 (row 9)

Note: Length from bottom of row 16 to top of row 7 (row 9)should be equal to width of the piece. See troubleshooting instructions below if this is not the case.

Strip 2-With pewter, rejoin yarn with ch 3 in next unworked st of row 16.

Row 1-Joined dc in next st, dc in next 3 (4) sts, leaving rest of row 16 unworked. 5 (6) sts

Rows 2-7 (2-9)-Repeat directions for strip 1.

Strip 3-join yarn with ch3 in next unworked st of row 16

Row 1-Joined dc in next st, dc in last 3 (4)sts. 5 (6) sts

Rows 2-7 (2-9)- repeat directions for strip 2, but do not end off*

Row 8 (Row 10) joining row- Ch 3, joined dc in next st, dc in next 3 (4) sts of strip 3, then dc in 5 (6) sts of strip 2 and continue across to 5 (6) sts in strip 1. 15 (18) dc

Rows 9-11 (Rows 11-14) –ch 3, joined dc in next st, dc in each st across. End off after row 11 (row 14).

Second side:

Position first side with foundation ch facing up and RS of row 1 facing. Working through 2 lps of the other side of the foundation chain, join black with ch 3 in 1st lp of chain as first dc of row 1.

Row 1-Continuing to work through 2 lps of each ch, joined dc in next ch, dc in each ch across. 15 (18) dc

Repeat directions for first side from Row 2 through 7(9).

Row 8 (Row 10)-Weave 3 black strips through slits in pewter side as shown, then repeat row 8 (row 10) of first side.

Rows 9-11 (Rows 11-14) -Repeat directions for first side, end off after last row.

Finishing-Anchor all joins; weave in all ends.

Troubleshooting this pattern:

Before you begin the strips, hold Side A at the center back of your neck. If the piece appears to be too long or too short, adjust number of full rows on both Side A and Side B. Remember that the finished scarf is closed and must fit over your head.

If you can’t make the vertical gauge (the row count), just make the strips about as long as the scarf is wide (including the joining row). If you have an odd number of rows before the joining row on the strips, the directions will work. If you have an even number of rows, then you will need to end off strip 3, turn and start the next row with a ch 3 join in the first st of strip 1.

If you didn’t start with a double chain, you can join color B into only 1 remaining loop of the foundation chain but the pattern will still work.

The scarf is totally reversible. Note that the color of the 4 corners of the criss-cross will be the dominant color.

See for photos of completed project.