Queen Anne's Lace Flower Motif

Materials: #20 white crochet cotton, size 9 crochet hook, sewing needle to weave in ends

Special stiches:

Beginning cluster st-Ch 2 as first dc, (yo hook, insert hook in stated space, yo and draw through lp, yo and through 2 lps)3x, yo and through all 4 lps on hook

Cluster st-(yo hook, insert hook in stated space, yo and draw through lp, yo and through 2 lps)4x, yo and through 5 lps

Model is approximately 2 3/4” in diameter.

Leaves were made with #10 crochet cotton and size 6 steel hook using open leaf pattern from Donna Kooler’s Encyclopedia of Crochet.

To begin, ch 4 and sl st in 1stch to form a ring.

Rnd 1-Work beginning cluster, ch 1, (cluster st, ch 1)x5, join to top of 1stcluster st. 6 cluster sts, 6 ch-1 sps

Rnd 2-Sl st to ch-1 sp, work beg cluster st, ch 1, cluster st, ch 1, in ch-1, sp (in next ch 1 sp work cluster st, ch 1, cluster st, ch 1)x 5, join to top of beg cluster st-12 cluster sts, 12 ch-1 sps

Rnd 3-sl st to ch-1 sp, work beg cluster st, ch 1, cluster st in same sp, ch 1, (cluster st in next sp, ch 1, cluster st in next sp, ch 1, cluster st in same sp, ch 1)5x, cluster st in last sp, ch 1, join as before. 18 cluster sts, 18 ch- sps

Round 4 and continuing-Work 6 evenly spaced cluster increases on each round until flower is the size required. Avoid placing increases over the increase in the previous round. Model has 5 cluster rounds.

Border round 1-sl st into ch 1 sp, ch 1, sc, ch4, sc in sp, (sc, ch4, sc in each sp around, join with sl st to 1stsc of rnd.

Border round 2-Sl st into ch 1 sp, work (sc, ch4, sc, ch4, sc ch4, sc) in each ch-1 sp around, join to 1stsc and end off.

Weave in ends.

To see a photo of the motif, go to my Ravelry page. Designer Hazel Furst