Fashion Doll Yoga Pants

Materials: #10 Bamboo thread, size 10 crochet hook, 4 stitch markers, sharp sewing needle to sew up leg seams, scissors.

Size: Fits most fashion dolls. Pattern is for blue pants (white pants are a little narrower and don’t fit all dolls.

Pant legs (make 2)-

Row 1 (RS)- Ch 4, leaving at least a 16” tail to sew up inseam, joined foundation dc in 4th ch, 20 more foundation dcs, turn. 22 dc

This fits loosely around doll’s ankle. Stitch count should be an even number.

Rows 2-9-Ch 3, joined dc in next st, dc in each st across, turn.

Row 10-Ch 3, joined dc in same (1st) st, dc in each st across, 2 dc in last st, turn. 24 dc

Rows 11-17- Repeat row 2.

Row 18- Repeat row 10. 26 dc

Rows 19-20-Repeat row 2.

Row 21-Repeat row 10-28 dc.

Rows 22-23- Repeat row 2.

Row 24-Repeat row 10-30 dc

Rows 25-26-Repeat row 2

Row 27-Repeat row 10-32 dc

Row 28-Ch 4 as starting tr, joined dc in 1st dc of previous row for increase, dc in 30 st across, dc and tr in last st, end off. 34 sts,

Assembly 1- place stitch markers on center 2 sts on each leg (17 and 18).

Fold each leg in half with RS facing in.

Match rows and sew inseam of each leg, making sure to leave tops of end sts free. Do not end off. Turn legs right side out and fold so that top rows have one stitch marker at each end facing front and one at each end facing the back.


Row 29-Take one leg and join thread with ch 3 into stitch marker at one end, joined dc in next st. Dc in next 15 sts, dc in tr of next leg, dc in next 15 sts, dc in marked st, ch 3, turn. 34 sts

Row 30-Ch 3, joined dc in next st, dc in each st across, turn.

Repeat row 30 until back is at waist height. Model has 36 rows. End off after last row.

Front: Turn piece over to other side and repeat instructions for back, but do not end off after last row.

Final row/belt-ch 6” and then end off. Attach yarn to beginning of last row and make another 6” chain and end off.

Finishing: Use starting tails of both legs to fully close center seam. Secure all joins and weave in all ends. Tuck back sides of pants under the front. Pass each chain over the first 12 dc of the back, under the middle 10 chains, and over the last 12 chains. Then pass each chain through the dc on either side of the 10 center dcs of the front. Pull the belt and tie in front of the doll’s waist. Knot each end of the ch belt so it is less likely to pull out of the dc stitches. Adjust gathers if necessary.

See for photos of completed project.