Fashion doll sports bra and sweatband

Sports Bra

Materials: #10 crochet cotton, size 7 steel crochet hook, sewing thread to match crochet cotton, sewing needle, 3 small hooks and eyes (size 1), scissors, yarn needle

Gauge-Fits most fashion dolls

Special stitches:

Foundation dc

joined foundation dc (ch 4, draw up a lp in 2nd and 4th chs from hook, yo and through 1 lp, (yo and through 2 lps)2x.

DC dec-Yo hook, (insert hook in next st and draw up a lp, yo and through 2 lps)2x, yo and through 3 lps on hook.

DC dec at beginning of row-ch 2, skip first st, dc in next st. Ch2 does not count as a st.

Note: Turn at the end of every row.

Row 1-Ch 4, joined foundation dc, 38 more foundation dcs. 40 sts. This band should fit around doll under breast area.

Row 2-Ch 3 as first dc this row and all rows, joined dc in next st, 2 dc in each of next 4 sts, dc in next 28 sts, 2 dc in each of next 4 sts, dc in last 2 sts. 48 sts

Row 3-Ch 3, joined dc in next st, dc in next 3 sts, dc dec over next 2 sts, dc in next 34 sts, dc dec over next 2 sts, dc in last 5 sts. 46 sts

Row 4-first front-Ch 3, joined dc in next st, (dc in next 2 sts, dc dec over next 2 sts)2x. 8 sts.

Row 5-Ch 3, joined dc in next st, dc dec over next 2 sts. Leave remaining sts unworked. 3 sts.

Row 6-(Ch 2, sk 1st st, dc in next st)for dc dec at beginning of row (see special stitches), 2 dc in last st.

Row 7-Ch 3, joined dc in same st, dc dec over last 2 sts.

Row 8-Repeat row 6, end off, leaving a tail long enough to sew shoulder seam.

Row 4-back- Skip 9 sts, join with ch 2, sk 1st st, dc in next 5 sts, dc dec over next 2 sts, leaving remained of row 4 unworked. 6 sts.

Row 5-Ch 2, sk first st, dc in next 3 sts, dc dec over last 2 sts. 4 sts.

Row 6A-dividing for side straps-ch 3, joined dc in same st, dc in next st, leaving last 2 sts unworked. 3 sts

Row 7A-Ch 2, sk next st, dc in next st, 2 dc in last st.

Row 8A-Ch 3, joined dc in same st, dc dec over last sts, end off.

Row 6B-Join with ch 3 in first free st on row 5, 2 dc in last st. 3 sts (note-no joined dc on this row)

Row 7B-Repeat row 8A but do not end off.

Row 8B-Repeat row 7A and end off, leaving a tail to sew shoulder seams.

Row 4-second front-Skip 9 sts on row 3, join with ch 2 in next st, dc in next 3 sts, dc dec over next 2 sts, dc in last 4 sts, end off. 8 sts

Row 5-Skip first 4 sts, join with ch 2 in next st, dc in last 3 sts. 3 sts.

Row 6-Repeat row 7 of first front.

Row 7-Repeat row 6 of first front.

Row 8-Repeat row 7 of first front. End off. Leaving a tail to sew shoulder seam.

Assembly-Decide which is RS and WS. With RS’s together, sew shoulder seams. Secure all joins; weave in all ends. Sew hooks and eyes in place (hook is on left, eye is on the right).


Materials: #10 crochet cotton, size 7 steel crochet hook, scissors.

Ch 4. Leaving a 2” tail to join. Joined foundation dc in 4th ch from hook (see special sts above), work foundation dcs until band fits around doll’s head. Sl st into top of starting st. End off, leaving a 2” tail. Join ends at bottom of dc sts and weave in ends or just knot ends together and trim.

See for photos of this project.