Fashion Doll Eloise Dress

Materials: #10 crochet cotton in Main Color (MC) and Contrasting Color (CC), #7 steel crochet hook, scissors, needle or smaller hook to weave in ends, 3 small snaps, sewing thread to match MC.

Gauge-Fits most new fashion dolls. Fits older Barbie dolls with top snap open.

Simple gauge swatch (You don’t want to do all this work and find the dress doesn’t fit the doll!)

Row 1-Ch 17, dc in 4th ch from hook and in each ch across. 15 sts.

Row 2- Ch 3 dc in BLO of each st across, turn.

Row 3-Ch 3, dc in both lps of each st across.

Rows 4-12-Repeat rows 2-3. Finished piece should fit halfway around the doll’s bustline, and the 15 sts should go from the underarm to the waist.

Fitted gauge swatch (This follows the curves of the doll’s figure. Work from this swatch to make your own custom pattern by adding stitches for the skirt length you want.)

Row 1-Ch 27, dc in 4th ch from hook and in each ch across, turn. 25 dc

Row 2-BLO-Ch 3, dc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 4 sts, sc in next 4 sts, sl st in next 4 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 3 sts, dc in last 3 sts, turn

Row 3-Both lps- Ch 3, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 3 sts, sc in next 3 sts, sl st in next 4 sts, sc in next 4 sts, hdc in next 4 sts, dc in last 4 sts, turn.

Row 4-BLO-Ch 3, dc in each st across, turn.

Row 5-Both lps-Ch 3, dc in each st across, turn.

Rows 6-12-Repeat rows 2-5 and then rows 2-4. Swatch should fit halfway around bustline and hips and follow the curves of the doll’s figure as stated above.

Work side to side, starting at center front to back, then reversing shaping for 2nd side.

Side one

Row 1-With MC, ch 47, joined dc in 4th ch from hook, dc in each ch across, turn and end off. 45 dc

Row 2 (RS)- this and all even rows in back loop only (BLO)-Join CC with ch 4, tr in next 14 sts, dc in next 8 sts, hdc in next 3 sts, sc in next 3 sts, sl st in next 4 sts, sc in next 4 sts, hdc in next 4 sts, dc in last 4 sts, turn.

Row 3-Work this and all odd rows through both lps of every stitch. Ch 3, joined dc in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 4 sts, sc in next 4 sts, sl st in next 4 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 3 sts, dc in next 8 sts, tr in next 15 sts, turn and end off.

Row 4-Join MC with ch 3 in BLO, dc in BLO of next st and each st across, turn.

Row 5-Ch 3, joined dc in both lps of next st, dc in both lps of each st across. Turn and end off.

Rows 6-11-Repeat rows 2-5, then rows 2-3.

Row 12-Join MC with ch 3 in BLO, dc in BLO in next st and each st across, turn.

Row 13-Ch 3, joined dc in both lps of next st, dc in next 21 sts, end off, leaving last 22 sts unworked.

Side 2

Row 1-With WS of dress facing, join MC to opposite side of starting ch on row 1. Ch 3 as first dc, joined dc in next ch, dc in each ch across, turn and end off. 45 dc

Row 2 (RS)-Join CC with Ch 3 (and work in BLO as in side 1), joined dc in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 4 sts, sc in next 4 sts, sl st in next 4 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 3 sts, dc in next \ sts, tr in last 15 sts, turn.

Row 3-Ch 4, (and work in both lps of every st as in side 1), tr in next 14 sts, dc in next 8 sts, hdc in next 3 sts, sc in next 3 sts, sl st in next 4 sts, sc in next 4 sts, hdc in next 4 sts, dc in last 4 sts, turn and end off.

Row 4-Join MC in BLO of 1st st, joined dc in BLO of next st, dc in BLO of each st across, turn.

Row 5-Ch 3, dc in both lps of next st and each st across. Turn and end off.

Rows 6-11- Repeat rows 2-5 and then repeat rows 2-3.

Row 12-Join MC with ch 3, joined dc in BLO of next st, dc in BLO of each st across, end off, leaving a long tail to stitch back seam, turn.

Row 13-Skip first 22 sts, join MC with ch 3 in next st, joined dc in both lps of next st, dc in each st across. Do not end off. 23 dc.

Top row 1 (WS)-Continuing with MC, ch 1 and work across top edge of dress. This will pull the top in a little. Work 3 sc across each of next 2 stripes, sc in next stripe, ch 10, sc in far end of next CC stripe, work 3 sc across each of next 5 stripes, sc in next stripe, ch 10, sc in far end of next MC stripe, 3 sc across each of last 2 stripes, turn. 51 sts

Top row 2- Ch 1, sc in next 6 sts, *work sc dec over next sc and ch 1, sc in next 8 ch, work sc dec over last ch and next sc,* sc in next 15 st, rep between **, sc in last 6 st, sl st into ch 1 of previous row, end off. 47 sts

Finishing- Whipstitch back seam together through both lps of bottom 22 sts. Secure all ends and weave them in on WS. Sew snaps at top and bottom of back overlap, and at waistline.

See Photos on, where I am HazelinNY