Who Made Your WordPress Site? Myself. I Want One Too
Big Data Online cursus
Samen met Laudius en een ander docent heb ik in 2018 een online cursus Big Data ontwikkeld. Deze Big Data cursus bestaat uit 7 lessen en is in eigen tempo te volgen. De cursus bevat de onderwerpen:
Privacy & Ethiek
Opslag Big Data
Definitie van Big Data
De onlinecursus kan met of zonder huiswerk gekocht worden. Het huiswerk wordt door mij en een ander docent nagekeken. Met de code: GUISELAINE krijg je 10 procent korting (Affiliate).
Built & Taught WordPress
From 2012 till 2021 I built WordPress websites and taught WordPress to various people. In this blog I give an overview of all the WordPress website I built. Only the ones of 2015 are not in this overview, because I still need to sort out the data of 2015. The pictures around this blog are the sheets and pictures made during the workshops WordPress or pictures I made when I was working on one of the WordPress websites.Â
Webmaster PVC Tennis
When I moved to New England, Utrecht in 2009 I became a member of PVC Tennis. Each member had 2 volunteer shift per year or had to pay 50 euros extra. I opted to become the webmaster and did this till 2013 when I left The Netherlands to travel the Pacific for 5,5 months. During the time I was the webmaster of the website of my tennis club the club opted to build a new website and to change website platform from Joomla to WordPress. I was involved in this process. Read more about me being the webmaster of my tennis club in the blog 'Webmaster Tennis club PVC'. I did this as a volunteer.
Building My Own WordPress Website
In 2012 when I started my own business Databeet I built my own WordPress website. I learnt it through reading a book about WordPress, playing in the WordPress platform and at the end following a course to help me with the last bit of building my WordPress website. I got lots of complements about the design of my Databeet website. This let to me building WordPress websites from 2012 till 2021 for various people, NGOs and business. In 2021 I stopped with WordPress and put my website on another platform, which I am still using.
Taught WordPress At Buurthuis Rosa
In 2013 I taught WordPress at Buurthuis Rosa at two persons individually. One was a teenager who followed all the workshops I had at the moment when her father and uncle were working on the computers there. The other workshop WordPress was for an entrepreneur I met in Seats2Meet. First I taught her about WordPress and then built her WordPress website so she could maintain her own website.
Brokken Onderzoek WordPress Website
In 2014 after I came back from my 5,5 months travel through the Pacific I coached my former colleague from Stogo Onderzoek + Advies in building her own website for her entrepreneur business. Each WordPress website I built or coached in building is unique. None of the websites I was part of is the same.
Building A New Website For Vereniging Anoiksis
In 2014 till 2016 a new website was designed for Vereniging Anoiksis. I taught the volunteers to work in WordPress and use less coding in building the Anoiksis website. This was necessary because not all volunteer could code. Working with volunteers makes making a website take longer, because it is not their core business. It was my core business for a while, because I was paid as an entrepreneur for this. The website with the same design can still be visited in 2025.
Veerkrachtfabriek WordPress Website
The Veerkrachtfabriek WordPress website was built for youngsters with mental illness to display their art, inform people about mental illness and combat prejudices about mental illness. In 2014 I started coordinating a team of WordPress website builders. I myself was also sometimes working on the WordPress website or explaining WordPress. I was paid as an entrepreneur. The Veerkrachtfabriek project had various sponsors Vereniging Anoiksis, Stichting Beheer Anoiksis, Janssen, Altrecht to name a few. I have three blogs about the Veerkrachtfabriek project: 'Veerkrachtfabriek', 'Working in a team a blessing or a curse' and 'Boom, too tired'. This project lasted from 2014 till 2016 when the whole Veerkrachtfabriek project was handed to the youngsters themselves to coordinated it themselves.
Wandelen Naar Inzicht
I was preparing to Walk the Camino Portugues, when I saw a flyer of Wandelen Naar Inzicht and contacted her if she could help me with learning to read the signs of the Camino Portugues and prepare for a very long hike of almost 700 km. I went to Cascais in 2015 to prepare for my Camino in 2016 and was happy with the insight she gave me about hiking the Camino Portugues safely. When I was talking to her she told me she wanted to make minor changes on her website, but couldn't do it herself. I told her that all my clients which I built a website for could do minor changes to their website themselves. She was interested to know more about it and I showed her, her way in her own website. I kept doing that for Wandelen Naar Inzicht till 2021 as an entrepreneur. Her new website is Reiziger.
Honeycomb Housing
In 2015 - 2016 I met the owner of HoneyComb housing website through a client for whom I was building a WordPress website. She wanted a website for the housing she was going to rent to students in Sweden. The first deal was to get a part paid with a ticket and a stay in Sweden, but I and her opted after building the website to change the deal to all paid and not anymore in partially paid in travel. This was because the travel I wanted to make in Sweden was different from which she wanted to give me as a paying option. I like to travel by plane and I do not stay in hostels anymore, but good hotels with my own room and bathroom.
Workshop WordPress With Kids
In 2015 I gave two try-out workshops WordPress With Kids together with my former client Gelukkige Kinderen. I dedicated a whole blog to this unique try-out workshops I gave. Read the blog 'WordPress With Kids' to know more about this experience.
Gelukkige Kinderen
I met the owner of Gelukkige Kinderen at the Wonderlijk Werken meet-up and she asked me if I wanted to make her website. I made her website and did two try-out workshops WordPress With Kids with her. In 2016 I referred her to a 'concolega', because I didn't want to keep on altering things on her WordPress website. My philosophy about WordPress or any kind of website is still that small changes can be done by the owner of the website herself or himself. I only built the website, explain how WordPress works, happy to answer questions about WordPress and make once and while changes.
Conscious Food
Wandelen Naar Inzicht referred the owner of Conscious Food to me to build her website. I built the website Conscious Food for her and also gave her a serie workshops about entrepreneurship in 2018. I have two blogs about this serie of workshops: Entrepreneurship Course & Entrepreneurship Course part 2. Her website Conscious Food is not online anymore because she took a job with her former employer.
My Nomad
I met the owner of My Nomad through the project Veerkrachtfabriek. She wanted a WordPress website and to know how to build in WordPress. I built her WordPress website My Nomad and gave her a workshop WordPress with pointers how to build a WordPress store in 2018.
The Co-designer of My Big Data eCourse Also Followed A WordPress Workshop
Together with Laudius and Dataleer I designed the ecourse Big Data on the Laudius platform. When the owner of Dataleer became an entrepreneur he took several workshops with me:
Workshop Beginners Excel
Workshop Gevorderde Beginners Excel
Workshop WordPress
And the serie workshops about Entrepreneurship.
All these workshops have their own blog. I also worked together with the owner of Dataleer on the blog serie 'Interviewing For A Guest Blog During My Pacific travels', the Big Data ecourse on Laudius platform, Reality Keeper, Onderzoek Validatie vragenlijst Behandelrelatie, A research for UWV Den Bosch and the WordPress website Eve-Events.Â
Add A New Paying System To My Existing Website
In Seats2Meet Eindhoven I met the owner of Eve-events in 2018. She wanted to add another paying system to her website and found her own web builder to expensive. I set with her and discussed the options. I agreed to this gig and together with Dataleer I worked on this gig. She wasn't happy with the first version and wanted her old website back. I gave her, her 'voorschot' back and told her to go to her hosting party to get the old version. This was the first and only client that wasn't happy and got her money back. This was one of the few gigs I accepted a 'voorschot'. I mostly do the work and then get paid for the whole at once or for the milestones I agreed on in advance.
WordPress Client Instead Of Building The WordPress Website
From 2017 till 2018 I was part of the communication team of the Volksbuurt Museum of Utrecht. I was one of the volunteers in this team. I took upon me the tasks to realize a new website and a new communication plan together with the paid team member. There were more tasks at hand in the communication team, but these were the tasks I agreed on taking up. I went to inventory how the website was built, but the knowledge about the old website was gone. I advised to build a new website in WordPress and not continue the old one, because with WordPress everybody could work on the website and the knowledge would still be with the Volksbuurt Museum although the ones building it weren't there anymore. The team and the director of the Volksbuurt museum discussed the three quotes and a WordPress builder in Utrecht was chosen. The website was built on the specs I made. Read more about this volunteer work in the blog 'Communication officer'.
WordPress Workshop For The Partner Of UWV Den Bosch Client
Through Social Media I got a gig to help UWV Den Bosch with a research on zzp'ers that wanted to be employed instead of being an entrepreneur in 2018. She also asked me to give her partner a workshop WordPress, because she and her partner were building websites for their friends as volunteers in another platform. They were happy with the workshop and I also discussed with them the various platforms on which websites could be built. Read more about how I got the gig UWV Den Bosch in the blog 'How do I get assignments through social media?'.
WordPress Website StemmenExpert
For late Christine Blanke (2018) I built the website StemmenExpert in 2016 and kept on maintaining her website once a year for her till 2019 when her book was published and her husband and a friend of hers started maintaining the website. The small maintenance she had always done herself. Her husband was new to WordPress so after Christine died he asked for a workshop to keep her website online and maintained. Read more about building StemmenExpert for Christine in the blog 'The 5 Things I Did In Zwolle'.Â
Building A WordPress Website For A Spanish Artist
Wandelen Naar Inzicht sent me another client a Spanish artist in 2018. The ex of the Spanish artist wanted a website to display the art of her former partner. I discussed the website with the ex-partner and the Spanish artist and started building a website in two languages to display the art. The Spanish artist stayed a WordPress client of me till I stopped working with WordPress in 2021. The website of Spanish artist can be found on sylviacastells and is still in the air.
Two WordPress Websites For My Former Colleague At E-Quality
I went to a symposium of my former employer (E-Quality/ Atria) about tech for girls. There I met a lot of my former colleagues. One of them asked me if I wanted to design surveys (blog: Designing A Online Survey For 'Huiselijk Geweld') for a colleague and he wanted two WordPress websites from me. I started with the websites in 2018. After that he stayed a WordPress client till I stopped with WordPress at the end of 2021. His websites are still online: Transgendercoaching and Timdejongcoaching.
United Care Caribbean, The Last WordPress Website I designed
I went to talk with WeConnect about managing their budget in 2020. I ended up doing three projects for them, read more about the projects in the blog 'Projects I Did For WeConnect'. The United Care Caribbean was a WordPress website I designed during the COVID lockdown. The purpose of the website was to inform high school students about a career in care. Read the blog: 'United Care Caribbean, WeConnect' to know more about this project. I worked for WeConnect from the summer of 2020 till the spring of 2021.
WordPress Functions I had
2018 - 2020 Instagram posting at I-Animal (volunteer)
2017 - 2019 Secretary on the board of Stichting Anoiksis Beheer (volunteer)
2017 - 2018 Communication officer at Nederlandse Volksbuurtmuseum (volunteer)
2015 - 2019 Workshop Pr & Sociale Media (entrepreneur)
    2015  WordPress With Kids (entrepreneur)
2014 - 2015 Managing The WordPress Team Veerkrachtfabriek (entrepreneur)
2013 - 2021 Building WordPress websites for entrepreneurs & NGO'S (entrepreneur)
2012 - 2019 Workshop SEO, Google Analytics & Google Tools (entrepreneur)
2012 - 2018 Social Media Courses (entrepreneur)
2012 - 2014 Hootsuite (entrepreneur)
2009 - 2013 Webmaster at Tennisclub PVC (volunteer)