EPET Brown Bag Series (11/26/18) | Dr. Eunsoo Cho - Motivation and reading comprehension: Why and for whom does it matter?

Post date: Nov 26, 2018 7:31:3 PM

Motivation and reading comprehension: Why and for whom does it matter?

Presenter: Dr. Eunsoo Cho

Although much is known about cognitive processes involved in reading comprehension, the complex relations among different aspects of motivation in explaining reading comprehension is less known. In this presentation, I highlight the critical role of academic motivation in reading comprehension development with a particular focus on self-efficacy, achievement goals, and growth mindset. In a series of studies, I examined the mechanisms through which mindset or achievement goals are associated with comprehension for fourth and fifth grade struggling readers. Then, I further investigated dimensionality of mindset (fixed vs. growth and domain-general vs. reading specific) and examined the role of growth mindset in explaining growth in reading comprehension in sixth-grade students.