Graduate School January Workshops

Post date: Jan 19, 2015 2:43:58 PM

Write-In at the Graduate School

Friday, January 16, 2015

9:00 AM - 1:30 PM

Chittenden Hall, 466 W. Circle Drive, East Lansing MI 48824

Are you working on a thesis or dissertation chapter, a proposal, or an article? Do you need a quiet place to write, or a space to collaborate with your peers on a piece of writing? Come to the new Graduate School in Chittenden Hall for our first Friday dedicated to writing. Participants must come with a specific writing goal and be prepared to write until noon! Graduate writing consultants from the Writing Center will be on hand to help with goal setting and accountability after you leave the session, and to help facilitate the formation of writing groups that can keep you moving toward your goal. Coffee and tea will be available while you write, and pizza will be provided for lunch at the end of the writing session. During lunch we will debrief and set future writing goals. Limited to 60 participants.

In the additional comments of the on-line registration, please indicate whether you are interested in working in a dedicated quiet space or a collaborative space.

Navigating the Master's Degree

Saturday, January 17, 2015

1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Chittenden Workshop Room, 466 W Circle Dr, East Lansing MI 48824

Navigating the Master’s Degree Workshop Series This interactive writing workshop, given at least once a semester, is designed to help students develop an individualized plan for understanding graduate school more generally and graduate writing more specifically. This workshop is designed for students in both the early and latter years of their master’s degree study. See below for the description. In this 3-hour workshop, the focus will be on understanding the transition from undergraduate to graduate school, navigating master’s degree coursework and graduation options (thesis, exams, portfolios, etc.), locating and using professional and personal support resources, and writing for degree and future job requirements. Participants will create academic timelines for their master’s work (coursework, conference presentations, internships, etc.) at MSU, and discuss technologies and habits that can help them stay on task. Participants will also discuss how to manage the stress that often pervades the life of master’s students, and how to select and work with a committee. The workshop will end by having participants explore and share their current writing practices, and writing and revision strategies, as well as sharing strategies for overcoming writer's block and procrastination. Presenter: Phil Bratta

Teaching Seminar: Cultivating an Inclusive Classroom

Thursday, January 22, 2015

4:30 PM - 6:00 PM

A218 Wells Hall, 619 Red Cedar Rd, East Lansing MI 48824

The primary responsibility of instructors and teaching assistants is to do their best to maximize the learning outcomes for ALL of their students in a classroom. In this workshop, participants will be provided with a framework to help them think about how to be most inclusive in their expectations for learning, pedagogical choices, and assessment of learning outcomes. Participants will leave the workshop with tools to help them negotiate the opportunities and challenges that arise when teaching in a classroom that is comprised of a diverse student population. Participants will be encouraged to think about how their own expectations about how students should communicate or respond to instructors and peers, be assessed for achievement of course goals, and/or demonstrate active participation in class (among others) will have a direct impact on the extent to which each student maximizes his or her potential in the course

Presenter: Melissa McDaniels

Please register for workshops at: