EPET Hub Updates

Post date: Jan 17, 2014 4:49:1 PM


Dear EPET Community,

Thank you for all of you who have signed up for the EPET Hub with your personal emails. We are looking forward to seeing this online community grow over the months ahead. We recently made a few updates to the site.

    1. We have made the following pages in the Hub publically available to non-registered users: home page blog, people, calendar, resources, friends of EPET. They will be able to view the content on these pages but not make any changes.

    2. Additionally, we’ve changed the sharing settings for the EPET Hub. As registered users, you now have privileges to edit and make changes to the following pages, so please add any additional resources that you feel would benefit the EPET community.

    1. Courses: This page will link you to several Google Drive folders organized by CEP course. Our aim is to maintain these folders with up-to-date course-related information such as syllabi and readings. We encourage you to add this folder to your Google Drive and contribute to it. Note that these pages are not visible for those who are not registered users of the Hub.


The Design Studio Team
