Environmental Science & Policy Program's Second Annual Research Symposium

Post date: Sep 15, 2014 7:11:3 PM

Call for Abstracts!

We would like to encourage all interested students to submit abstracts to the Environmental Science and Policy Program's second annual research symposium. This year's theme is environmental risk and decision making, and the symposium will take place on October 10th at the Kellogg Center here on campus. Both completed and in-progress papers are welcome, and may be presented as either posters or oral presentations. The best presentations will also receive monetary prizes. The full Call for Abstracts is attached.

All students are also encouraged to attend the event. Dr. Andrew Maynard and Dr. Joe Arvai will be joining us as keynote speakers. The symposium will also provide an opportunity to hear research presentations from students across the university and explore interdisciplinary collaboration between graduate students, faculty, and community stakeholders.