EPET Student Research Expense Fellowships 2013-2014

Post date: Oct 23, 2013 6:23:59 PM

EPET Students,

There are a couple of sources of funding to support your research efforts this year.

1. College dissertation and research practicum support. You should have received recently an email describing College of Education funds to support students' practicum and dissertation research efforts, with the goal of encouraging more ambitious, independent dissertations or pilot studies. These awards will be $1000 to $4000. If you are planning practicum- or dissertation-related research that will entail expenses of more than $1000 AND you did not receive funding from this source in previous years, you should apply. Use the application form for the EPETResearch Expense Fellowship (below) and note on the form that you are applying for College Dissertation/Research Practicum support. Please submit your applications to Ayodele Webb (webbayod@msu.edu). Awards will be made in two waves. To be considered for an award that would begin in January of 2014, please submit your application by November 5, 2013. To be considered for support that would begin in May of 2014, please submit your application by March 5, 2014.

2. CEPSE/EPET research expense fellowships. We also have CEPSE and EPET funds available to provide fellowships to offset the cost to students for conducting research. These costs may be associated with carrying out your dissertation research, your research practicum, or otherresearch you are carrying out as part of your doctoral education. Information and application for these research expense fellowships is attached
