

Scientific Papers

In refereed journals

McKown, A. D., H. Cochard, and L. Sack. 2010. Decoding leaf hydraulics with a spatially explicit model: principles of venation architecture and implications for its evolution. American Naturalist: 447-460. PDF

McKown, A. D., and N. G. Dengler. 2009. Shifts in leaf vein density through accelerated vein formation in C4 Flaveria (Asteraceae). Annals of Botany 104: 1085-1098. PDF

Kocacinar, F., A. D. McKown, T. L. Sage, and R. F. Sage. 2008. Photosynthetic pathway influences xylem structure and function in the genus Flaveria. Plant, Cell and Environment 31: 1363-1376. PDF

McKown, A. D. , and N. G. Dengler. 2007. Key innovations in the evolution of Kranz anatomy and C4 vein pattern in Flaveria (Asteraceae). American Journal of Botany 94: 382–399. PDF

Sudderth, E. A., R. M. Muhaidat, A. D. McKown, F. Kocacinar, and R. F. Sage. 2007. Leaf anatomy, gas exchange and photosynthetic enzyme activity in Flaveria kochiana. Functional Plant Biology 34: 118–129. PDF

McKown, A. D., J.-M. Moncalvo, and N. G. Dengler. 2005. Phylogeny of Flaveria (Asteraceae) and inference of C4 photosynthesis evolution. American Journal of Botany 92: 1911-1928. PDF

Sage, R. F., and A. D. McKown. 2005. Is C4 photosynthesis less phenotypically plastic than C3 photosynthesis? Journal of Experimental Botany 57: 303-317. PDF

McKown, A. D., R. A. Stockey, and C. Schweger. 2002. A new species of Pinus subgenus Pinussubsection Contortae from Pliocene sediments of Ch’ijee’s Bluff, Yukon Territory, Canada. International Journal of Plant Sciences 163: 687-697. PDF

In preparation or submitted

McKown, A.D, M. Elmore, and L. Sack. Functional and ecological diversity in adaptive radiations of Hawaiian Scaevola (Goodeniaceae).

McKown, A.D., and N.G. Dengler. Vein patterning and evolution of the C4 plant.

McKown, A.D., and R.D. Guy. Adaptive physiology in natural populations of poplar (Populus trichocarpa).

Presentations at conferences

G. M. Orona, A. R. Ramirez, L. Sack, I. N. Kaneakua, C. Scoffoni, A. D. McKown, and S. D. Davis. 2009. Water transport properties in leaves of the chaparral shrub, Heteromeles arbutifolia, in a post-fire environment. Poster presentation, Ecological Society of America, Albuquerque, NM. Abstract

Sack, L., J. C. Havran, C. D. Nakahashi, A. D. McKown, and H. E. Ballard Jr. 2009. Structural versus functional leaf trait coordination in the adaptive radiation of Hawaiian violets. Poster presentation, American Society of Plant Biologists, Honolulu, HI. Abstract

McKown, A. D., H. Cochard, and L. Sack. 2008. Decoding the Leaf Venation Architecture: Testing Hydraulic Design Features with a Spatially Explicit Model. Oral presentation, Botanical Society of America, Vancouver, BC. Abstract

Sack, L., C. Scoffoni, F. Frole, A. D. McKown, and C. J. Havran. 2008. The scaling of leaf venation architecture: laws, functional implications and paleo-applications. Oral presentation, Botanical Society of America, Vancouver, BC. Abstract

Kocacinar, F., A. D. McKown, T. L. Sage, and R. F. Sage. 2008. Photosynthetic pathway influences xylem structure and function in Flaveria (Asteraceae). American Society of Plant Biologists, Merida, Mexico. Abstract

McKown, A. D., and N. G. Dengler. 2007. Acceleration of leaf vein pattern formation in C4 Flaveria(Asteraceae). Oral presentation, joint Botanical Society of America and American Society of Plant Biologists, Chicago, IL. Abstract

McKown, A. D., and N. G. Dengler. 2006. Key innovations in evolution of Kranz anatomy in Flaveria. Poster presentation, Botanical Society of America, Chico, CA. Abstract

McKown, A. D., J.-M. Moncalvo, and N. G. Dengler. 2005. Integrating molecular systematics, morphology and anatomy towards understanding evolution of Kranz anatomy in the genus Flaveria(Asteraceae). Oral presentation, International Botanical Congress, Vienna, Austria. Abstract

McKown, A. D., J.-M. Moncalvo, and N. G. Dengler. 2005. Inference of C4 photosynthesis evolution in Flaveria (Asteraceae) based on phylogeny. Oral presentation, Canadian Botanical Association and Plant Canada, Edmonton, AB. Abstract

McKown, A. D., J.-M. Moncalvo, and N. G. Dengler. 2004. Evolution of Kranz anatomy in the genusFlaveria (Asteraceae). Oral presentation, Botanical Society of America, Snowbird, UT. Abstract

McKown, A. D., and N. G. Dengler. 2002. Kranz anatomy and leaf vein pattern of C3, C4 and C3-C4Flaveria (Asteraceae) species. Oral presentation, joint Canadian Botanical Association and Botanical Society of America, Madison, WI. Abstract

McKown, A. D., O. Pegoraro, and D. D. Cass. 2001. Band plasmolysis in leaf epidermal cells of Cliviaminiata (Amaryllidaceae). Poster presentation, Botanical Society of America, Albuquerque, NM.Abstract

McKown, A. D., R. A. Stockey, and C. Schweger. 2001. A new species of Pinus, Subgenus Pinus, Subsection Contortae based on fossil cones from Ch'ijee's Bluff, Yukon Territory, Canada. Poster presentation, Botanical Society of America, Albuquerque, NM. Abstract