
你好 Ni Hao!

Welcome to Wanglaoshi's (AKA Mrs. Wang-Paolicelli ) Chinese class.

Let's have fun learning Chinese and try your best to achieve the highest goal you can!


1. Creative projects

2. Formal and informal oral presentations

3. Dialogues, role-playing, movie making, and discussion

4. Songs/rhymes/chanting

5. Cultural readings and hands-on activities

6. Tests and quizzes

7. In-class work

8. Homework

9. Use technology such as iPod/iPhone, Google Docs, etc.

10. Online learning and other Chinese learning software in school and at home

Homework Assignments

Do Not Use Google Translate!!!

Watch this video and you will know why


All classwork and homework assignments should be handed in on the due date unless there is a legitimate reason, e.g. absence, illness (parental notes needed). If you were absent, it is your own responsibility to find out the homework assignments by emailing me or checking on my Google site. 5 Points will be deducted for each day it is late, up to 4 days. After that, no delayed homework will be accepted.

*All homework assignments will be graded based on the quality of the work. Points will be deducted for mistakes and poor quality. However, if you correct your own mistakes and hand it back, you will get half of the deducted points back. On days when no written homework is assigned, I expect students to spend 10 minutes studying vocabulary on Quizlet.com, online learning sites or my website. Written homework will either be corrected in class or collected for a grade. Students will not be told in advance which homework will be collected for a grade; I expect all students to do all homework as it is assigned.

Quizzes, Tests, and Exams

Students are allowed to re-take one test for each marking period; the grade will be the average of the re-takes and the original scores. If students miss any quizzes or tests for whatever reason, they have to make up as soon as possible. Otherwise, 0 points will be given as the grade for the missing quizzes and tests. The final exam is not allowed to retake.

Quarterly Grades

Quizzes/tests, speaking and writing 60%

Project, in-class work & homework 40%


The average of the four-quarter grades, plus the final exam grade (also worth 10%).

Extra Help

I am available for extra help during Helping period in room 215 or in the computer lab. I encourage students to come to me for any questions regarding Chinese learning, or just to chat in Chinese.

Online Learning Sources

1. http://www.yoyochinese.com

User name: chhschinese

Passwords: wang10520

2. www.betterchinese.com (especially for Mandarin I)

To log in, please click on "School Account"

Account Name: CHUFSD2014

User name:14s15, or 14s16, or 14s17......up to 14s25

Password: 123 Please DO NOT change any log in information!!!

3. http://kid.chinese.cn (Free access)

4. www.nciku.com free site, Online dictionary and learning tools

5. IQ Chinese (software installed in our school network)

Click "Start" - "All programs" - "Language" or "IQ Chinese"

6. My favorite site:


7. FluentU.com

8. http://www.clavisinica.com/index.html (it also has app)

Supplies needed for the Chinese class

· pens & pencils

· headphone

· I-Phone/laptop/I-Pad. Using I-Phone/laptop/I-Pad during Chinese class is for learning Chinese only. I will take it away and keep it in the principal’s office for 2 days if any student uses it for other purposes during the class.

· Prepare a 3-ring binder

Email Communication (IMPORTANT!!!)

I mainly rely on email for communicating with both students and parents. If I need to contact a student concerning his/her work for the course, I will do so by sending an email directly to that student, with a cc: to the parent(s)/guardian(s). I will respond directly to any email sent to me by a parent without copying the student. If you need to contact me for any reason, please use email as this will ensure a faster response on my part.

Also, please write down any concern or problem (e.g. seating preference due to vision problem……). It will be confidential!

I look forward to working with all of you this year.


Wang Laoshi (Mrs. Wang-Paolicelli)


How to use this site

1. get on the site

2. Look for your level (located in the top left corner and the bottom of this home page, then open it

3. once you are on the home page of your level, scroll down to the bottom of the page to view the subpages

4. click on the page title that you are studying

5. look at the date and the assignment numbers, e.g., J-7