S. Patrick and King Angus at Cashel

St Patrick & King Angus on the Rock of Cashel

Ireland in ancient days was in four kingdoms, ruled over (at least in theory) by a High King. The Kings of the Southern Kingdom of Mumhan [in English, Munster - no connexion with Germany] lived in the fortress on the great Rock of Cashel. Saint Patrick came to preach to Angus, King of Munster. The King consented to be baptised. In those days the bishop's crozier was not entirely decorative, and the end was sharpened as a weapon against attack. During the baptismal ceremony St Patrick accidentally pierced the foot of King Angus, drawing blood. The King said nothing & St Patrick did not notice. At the end, Patrick suddenly saw what he had done. He said to Angus, "Why didn't you say something?" Angus replied, "I thought it was part of the ceremony!"