The Four Marks of the Catholic Church

From the CTS 'Penny' Catechism:

Q 94 Has the Church of Christ any marks by which we may know her?

A. The Church of Christ has four marks by which we may know her: she is One – she is Holy – she is Catholic – she is Apostolic.

Q 95 How is the Church One?

A. The Church is One because all her members agree in one Faith, have all the same Sacrifice and Sacraments, and are all united under one Head.

[MOF: The successors of Peter in Rome, and those in communion with him, have never once in 2000 years gone back on a doctrine that had once been declared infallibly, even though there has been legitimate dissent over negotiable points. No other Patriarchate or denomination has this record. The Eastern Patriarchates, at on time or another in the early centuries, all officially declared for one heresy or another, notably Nestorianism (which denied the Divinity of Christ) or Monophytism (which denied the Humanity of Christ). Other denominations have done a u-turn on contraception, divorce, abortion, homosexuality, women priests and bishops…]

Q 96 How is the Church Holy?

A: The Church is Holy because she teaches a holy doctrine, offers to all the means of holiness ans is distinguished by the eminent holiness of so many thousands of her children.

[MOF: Obviously, this is not to deny the goodness and holiness of many of those out of communion one way or another. It is one of four Marks]

Q 97 What does the word Catholic mean?

A. The word Catholic means universal.

Q 98 How is the Church Catholic or universal?

A. The Church is Catholic or universal because she subsists in all ages, teaches all nations, and is the one Ark of Salvation for all.

Q 99 How is the Church Apostolic?

A. The Church is Apostolic because she holds the doctrines and traditions of the Apostles, and because, through the unbroken succession of her Pastors, she derives her Orders and her Mission from them.


NB also:

Q 85 Who is the Head of the Catholic Church?

A. The Head of the Catholic Church is Jesus Christ our Lord.

Q 86 Has the Church a visible Head on earth?

A. The Church has a visible Head on earth – the Bishop of Rome, who is the Vicar of Christ.