The EU - is it a good thing?

The EU - is it a good thing?

The EU is the latest goalpost-shift of a political and economic development within Europe that is being promoted to the very hilt, not only by the sincere, but by All The Usual People - Big Business, Trade Monopolies, the biggest European countries, the biggest political parties, the obedient Media.

A bit of history will show us that the European Common Market began as a plan for a freely-chosen association of independent nations. Every shift in its structure, however, has been in the direction of establishing a single Superstate within which the individual nations will lose their sovereignty - the very opposite of the original idea.

A very common - even routine - political trick is to spread one’s plan over several years. It is a ploy carried out for anything from tax increases to the destruction of national sovereignty. The public would rebel if they were told straight off what was planned. So a little bit is changed this year. We complain. Then two years later a further change is made. We complain again. But by now we have already forgotten about the first change. Then it is done a third time. And so on. Is this what they are doing over the EU?