Faith – Catholic vs Protestant Approaches

G.K.Chesterton wrote that, in the Catholic Faith, you accept that some people might be smarter or better-informed than you are ...

I've had long (& friendly) discussions with a pastor of the Free Presbyterian Church & his talk seemed to confirm that he doesn't actually believe anything - he accepts only what he 'can see for himself' out of the Scriptures.

I often think of the conversion of Mexico. Where the Conquistadores had little success, Our Lady of Guadelupe had brilliant success. After the man was raised from the dead in the middle of the huge crowd, there was an overwhelming outpouring of joy. Entire tribes came over the mountains and presented for Baptism. Priests were working day and night for months. A friend once objected, "But they couldn't possibly know what the Faith really consisted of". Reply: They recognised the Truth when they saw it, were inwardly moved, and were prepared to take the priests' word for it about things they still didn't know. But they knew they had entered the Ark of Salvation.