Human Papilloma Virus – the non-solution

Sex Ed's Victim of Human Papilloma Virus - a Case Study

The Sting of Human Papiloma Virus

I remember the awful difficulty she had sitting down. Let’s call the lady in question ‘Madeleine’. She recently had ‘the burning off treatment’ to rid her (for a time) of her large warts. She said she was one quarter Irish but had never visited Ireland, nor was she likely to go there I thought as she listed her symptoms. She had a dire, debilitating form of Human Papiloma Virus and was only nineteen. There are at least one hundred strains of the disease, but the strain that had her immune system bent and curled was particularly obnoxious. She was exhausted and ‘had the gripe’ (flu) on a continual basis and was always making new doctor appointments because the warts were on her cervix. At the age of nineteen she was given the crushing news: her chances of getting cervical and/or throat cancer ‘were much higher than those normally associated with HPV’. And she was in the ‘high risk category’ for passing the disease onto any baby she might have.

Madeleine was one of the saddest cases I met in my time as a pro-life counsellor. She was an extremely bright, articulate girl and later spoke with a resolute cynicism about a sex ed teacher who told her a condom would ‘protect against everything’. And she did use condoms. Everytime. But condoms offer little (or no) protection against Human Papiloma Virus. The most ardent pushers of the safe sex scam are saying this is a ‘right wing’ move to discredit condoms, especially Planned Parenthood; their website makes the disease sound like a normal part of life, like a childhood wart. They stress that ‘everyone’ may have the disease. They certainly will if they follow Planned Parenthood dictates! One wonders how many girls like Madeleine PP encounter; or else how could they remain so nauseatingly glib and careless about preventing such a disease? Did PP ignore the American congress’ push for legislation to put a warning label on condoms because there was no scientific evidence showing that condoms protect against HPV? The warning label would indicate the risk of contracting HVP, regardless of condom use. PP don’t include things like this on their website because it’s bad for business. They do however promote a vaccine that supposedly protects against ‘some strains’ of HPV.

A recent New York Times editorial admitted that one in four American teenage girls have HPV. Of course, in grave irony, they are blaming the Bush Administration and Bush’s funding for abstinence programs. What is shrouded is how sex ed programs hammer home the message to teenagers that a latex sheath will protect against ‘everything everytime’, yet neglect to put in the Human Papiloma Virus clause. Instead of revealing this grave fault of Sex Ed, they portray the new vaccine as a panacea. Again, mendacity prevails, let’s assume that the sting of the vaccine Gardasil will offer complete protection against strains 6, 11, 16 and 18, that the pharmaceutical corporations say it will do. Does that not leave 96 known strains of HVP, which one cannot be immunised against? One could say that you are risking 96 different stings by having the one vaccine injection sting. If they risk is that high, why continue to have pre-marital sex? If such danger still exists, why have the vaccine at all? Promoters of the vaccine operate on the line that extremely limited prevention is best because there is no cure; no therapeutic drugs are available to the afflicted.

A review of the situation tells us that it is a degenerative disease, carcinogenic, incurable and a carrier will pass it onto anyone they have intercourse with, notwithstanding wearing a condom. Wearing of a condom is scientifically proven to be ineffective and so wearing one is as good as sponsoring Durex. One, underemphasised point: innocent babies can contract it from mothers who are badly infected and in most babies with a mother who has HPV, strains of the disease are found on their vocal cords. There is great fuss made about a vaccine, but in actuality the vaccine can do little if anything. All this and they still relegate pre-marital chastity as a dangerous choice, one that leaves you ‘unprepared’, ‘ignorant’ and ‘unrealistic’?

I explained how the chastity lifestyle works to Madeleine and she asked why no one had explained this to her. I asked how much money would have been made from her chaste lifestyle. Let’s see, she wouldn’t have bought condoms, she wouldn’t be visiting an expensive doctor in up-state New York for ‘burning off’ treatment and Planned Parenthood wouldn’t be trying to pawn off a vaccine on her. She didn’t say anything, she just shook her head. I asked Madeleine what she would do if she were a virgin again, she told me in a low New York Carrie Bradshaw accent that she would never have had sex before marriage. And somehow as she stomped away, angry with the world, suspicious, cynical and hampered with a disease that would decide many of her major life choices, I knew she meant every word.


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